Tuesday, January 1, 2008


The one year anniversary of my blog.

2007 was a pretty eventful year. I have dated, changed jobs, moved and met one of the nicest guys ever. I have also become reaquainted with friends that, for some reason, I had lost touch with. And I met Vegan, who has become one of my closest friends and the person I go to for all of my dating advice.

I started this blog with three goals, two of which I did not attain. So, I will keep those goals and add a couple more things to my list...

1. lose weight
2. get organized
3. quit smoking
4. close at least two new accounts per month

So there you go, goals for 2008.

This blog has been so good for me. Before this, I didn't have an outlet to express how I feel or what is going on in my life. Don't get me wrong, I talk to my friends, but it's not the same as sitting down and typing all the things that go through your mind. I have done a lot of thinking about what I would do for this post. I thought about posting a picture of myself and the friends that I talk about on here, but I've decided not to. I like being somewhat anonymous. (Even though a lot of you know who I am.) I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who read this on a regular basis and leave comments, feedback, advice etc... you have helped me more than you know.

So, here's to 2008. Let's hope that it's even better than last year!!!

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

Ok... I'm so behind on blog reading!!! So my first comment is "WOOHOO" on meeting a nice guy. I won't say anymore than that as not to jinx it, but I think you deserve happiness so I'm crossing my fingers! My second comment is for the new year post. I think those are good resolutions. I haven't had a minute to sit and think about mine, but I will try to post something tomorrow. I did get a chance to post pics from the party...wish you could of joined us. Although...it sounds like you had a great ringing in of the new year alone with Ginger.