Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm not freaking out!

So, it's been a minute since my last post...sorry!

I'm going to start off with is I am no longer freaking out...which is SOOOO not me. I am the queen of freak outs!

Have you ever met someone that you are completely comfortable with? Well, I have found that in Ginger. And I know what you're thinking..."It's only been a month!" But, it doesn't matter.

This past weekend, Ginger came over on Friday night and stayed throgh Monday morning...and he still didn't annoy me. (And I'm not freaking out!) Friday we went to Doodlebug's house and drank a little too much so we decided to stay over there. He and Movie Buff were in the house and Doodlebug looked at me and said she had never seen either one of us as happy as she's seen us in the past month. We got up the next morning and Ginger cooked breakfast for the entire Doodle family plus me and him then he took me over to my friend's house that does my hair, we'll call her Hair Genius. I was supposed to give him my house keys so he could come back here and take a nap while I was getting my hair done; but, oops, I forgot. And he didn't get mad! He went back to Doodle's house and was there for about 5 hours, which is about 2 hours longer than I thought it would take to get my hair cut and colored. And you know what? He still didn't get mad! He came and picked me up and took me home. That night he had to go to a going away party for one of his friends that moved to Hawaii and after he left the bar, he came back to my house. Sunday morning, as I was getting ready to go out for the day, he comes in my bathroom with the trash bag from the kitchen and says, "Let me empty the trash in here." Then he TOOK THE TRASH OUT! Here's the scary part, The Mother' cooked that afternoon and we were invited over for dinner and, are you ready for this...I FIXED HIS PLATE FOR HIM! You have to understand, that is not me. You could have knocked The Mother and The Sister over with a feather when I handed his plate to him. The Mother and I were sitting on the patio and she looked at me and asked, "So, what's the deal? Could this be the one?" I thought about it for a minute and said, "I don't know...Maybe."

Usually, when I start seeing someone new, I go into it thinking...Ok, how is this one going to disappoint me? I haven't experienced this thought yet, and I'm not freaking out. I'm going to meet his mother on Sunday, and guess what??? I'm still not freaking out!

Until next time...

Single Girl