Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nine days into the new year...

and so far, not too bad.

On December 31st, I looked at The Mother and said, "I hope 2008 will be better than 2007."

I know it will be, I mean 2007 was better than 2006, so if the past dictates the future then 2008 should be pretty awesome!

I will start with Ginger. He is amazing! Last weekend I went to his apartment Friday after work, we hung out there for a little while then went to a couple of bars down the street from his house. I often like to do a "bar test" pretty early on when I start seeing someone. I look for these caution signals...

1. Do they have to have a hand on you at all times?
This is very important, I do not want to feel as if I am territory being marked. I can't stand it when you are with a guy and they have to touch you constantly, as if telling everyone in the place..."This mine, not yours!" (You have to say that sentence in a cave man grunt.)

2. Do they feel the need to stick their tongue down my throat in a public setting?
I HATE PDA!!! (Public Display of Affection) It makes me very uncomfortable to see two people making out like horny teenagers, I think it is probably one of the tackiest things a couple can do. Don't get me wrong; holding hands - ok, quick peck on the lips, cheek or forehead - ok, sticking your tongue so far in someone's mouth, like you are trying to taste their stomach - not ok.

3. Do they get belligerent once they start drinking?
I DO NOT want to deal with someone who thinks they can beat the hell out of everyone in the bar. Fighting irritates me.

Good news boys and girls...none of these things happened. He passed the bar test with flying colors.

Saturday, we went to IKEA with his brother then we came back to my side of town and went to The Mother's house so he could play video games with Thing 2. Then Sunday morning we were sitting on the couch and he started counting, "1 2 3..." I looked around the living room and asked him what he was counting. He looked at me and said, "The people at your mom's, let's go pick up some breakfast and take it over there." How sweet is that??? We picked up breakfast and stayed over there for a while, then we went to Target and came back to my house and watched TV then he left around 6p.

Ok, we spent the entire weekend together and he didn't annoy me once. What's that about??? Anyway, he's coming over tonight to hang out. I think I like him, which really freaks me out a little.

Until next time...

Single Girl


Princess Pixybell said...

Wow what a great start to 2008 you have found someone nice who is ticking the boxes! good for you. Have fun xx