Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Music Snobs

Why is it that the majority of Gen Xer's are music snobs? I have a friend that basically hates all bands that are played on the radio because they are "too corporate." It seems as though for a Gen Xer to enjoy a band or musician, it has to be something obscure or depressing.

I have always had, what my generation, would consider less than stellar taste in music. I am pretty much a radio whore. I very rarely buy music and I never go to iTunes or Limewire. I have expressed my love for all things Horrorpops...I do have all their CD's. But I also have Papa Roach, Seether, Puddle of Mudd, and Staind. Now, I'll bet, that the majority of you that are between the ages of 28 - 40 are cringing at the mere mention of some of these bands. Guess what, here are some others that are going to make you wretch...Barry Manilow, Cher, Poison, Elton John and Gloria Estefan. See, I told you, less than stellar by Xer's standards.

The reason I am bringing this up...I was on facebook yesterday and a friend of mine had "Mindy is unlovable." I immediately jump into friend mode and leave her a comment, "That's not true, I love you!" A couple more people left encouraging words, then a friend of hers posted...

Do none of your friends listen to The Smith's? Everyone panics when you write their lyrics :)

And I don't know why, but that pissed me off. I'm sorry, when I see the word unlovable...I don't automatically think of song lyrics.

Anyway, here are my thoughts on three artists that have obnoxious fans...

Nirvana - I can't stand Nirvana. I know, shocking, given my age. I think someone said that Kurt Cobain was the voice of our generation. I'm sorry, he wasn't speaking for me. I've also heard that he was a GENIUS! What, really? Could someone explain this one to me...

With the lights out its less dangerous / Here we are now / Entertain us / I feel stupid and contagious / Here we are now / Entertain us / A mulatto / An albino / A mosquito / My libido / Yea

Yep, sounds like above average intelligence to me. These lyrics make NO sense to me. Maybe I'm just not that bright or too shallow to understand the "inner meaning" of the song, but come on people. And it really irritates me when people say things like, "Kurt Cobain never wanted to be famous." Then why the hell did he sign the recording contract. Yep, he was a genius.

Radiohead - OH MY GOD, I HATE RADIOHEAD! When Thom York sings, it sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher talking. And the Radiohead fans...probably the most pretentious people in the world. This was my ex's favorite band. I will give Radiohead this...they put on a really good live show. (Yes, I've been to a Radiohead show and I have a shirt from this show. The shirt makes my boobs look AWESOME!) They sound just like their CD. Everyone always talks about how Radiohead is "critically acclaimed." Who are these critics and what the hell are they listening to, because it can't be the same album I'm hearing.

Morrissey/The Smiths - I'm sorry Mindy, but I can't take either one. I will admit, I have not heard the entire Morrissey/Smiths collection, but what I have heard was so depressing I wanted to die. This was another of the ex's favorite bands. I don't know if this is a documented fun fact about Morrissey, but the ex told me that Morrissey was celibate and the reason why was because it helped him write his music..or something like that. The ex also told me that Morrissey was a Vegan. I had to tell the ex, "Maybe he should eat a hamburger and have some sex, then his music my be a little more upbeat." Seriously, I don't think I could listen to his music on a continuous basis and have a positive outlook on life.

So there, I'm done bitchin' about the music snobs.

If you are a music snob, before you look down your nose at someone because of their musical preferences, just remember...you liked Alanis Morissette's "Jagged Little Pill" before the album went platinum!

Until next time...



d.g. said...

I am totally with you on this one. I like what I like, for my own personal reasons, and I honestly don't give a damn what anyone thinks. I listen to "corporate" mainstream alt/rock bands, European goth/symphonic metal bands, 80s stuff, 90s stuff, Rennaissance Radio, classical, pop, hip hop, R&B ... basically, whatever I'm in the mood for that appeals to ME. I kinda thought that was the purpose of there being so many different kinds of music. Lots to choose from ... something for everyone, right? What a boring world this would be if we all liked the same things ... so what if something is considered "popular?" If it sounds good to you, and you dig it, then ... that's the point, right?

Karen M. Peterson said...

I'm so with you! On everything you said, really.

My roommate is the ultimate music snob. If it gets airplay on the radio then it's crap. If it sounds like the band is comprised of starving and angry cats, it's genius.

And I freakin' HATE Nirvana. And Kurt Cobain died during my senior year of high school and I didn't even know who he was, so that tells you where I stood with my peers, musically anyway.

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I am a somewhat music snob. But, I am more of the opinion that most modern music sucks. I mean, I like some new stuff. I really like Modest Mouse. I love Beck, The Flaming Lips, Spoon, Wilco. But, I also like my fair share of crap. I have seen Cher! I love Journey. My favorite band is still Motley Crue (because they kick fucking ass!!!!).

But, then I am a snot. I like the Brian Eno, T. Rex, The Beatles, Love, Bad Brains... you know, the important stuff.

I am, however, dating a serious music snob. He likes crap, too. But, he is a music snooooooob. He's a musician, so he has an excuse (kinda). He used to make people cry about their music tastes. But, luckily, he isn't an obnoxious assface anymore (this was way before me). Though he does love him some Radiohead (me not so much. Small doeses.)

I still, though, love my hair metal and Debbie Gibson. So, screw everyone else. I believe that most people listen to music that they think makes them look or sound cool. Well, fuck that. If you are a loser, you are a loser no matter what music you listen to.

I hate Bob Dylan and Nirvana and Morrisey (except for a few songs) and The Cure (yep, The Cure) and lots and lots of other really "cool" bands. I say like what you like. Screw trying to look cool (unless you are 13-21. Then what else do you have to do.)

Mozzygurl said...

LMAO. Literally I was cracking up. Most people that aren't fans of course, think that The Smiths/Morrissey are so depressing that they are ready to slit their wrists...if his voice or the music was able to draw you in, you might would be able to hear the sarcasm and humor along with the depressing tones on some of the songs. Sadly, I can relate to the later since my teenage years... Thanks for caring and posting on my status update on fb. Love ya Mandy! If everyone liked the same types of music, this world would be a boring place. Am I the music snob?? hahaha!