Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My EYES!!!!

I read somewhere that when you walk your dog, you should always take the same route, so they get used to "going" in the same places. Apparently, this helps with "going" in the house. (Something about the dog smells their own scent or something like that. Whatever it does, it seems to have helped.) So, when I get home in the evening we generally go on our long walk, then three or four times in the evening I take him on the short, "potty walks."

Now, I have lived in my apartment for a year and three months and up until Rogen came to live with me, I had never actually walked through the whole complex. Now that I have started walking through the complex, I've started saying hello to people and Rogen has been able to sniff the butts of a couple of different dogs. What I have noticed, during these little walks, is that A LOT of people leave their blinds open. When I see a sliding glass door with the blinds open, I look...usually to see what kind of decor that person has, but mostly because I'm a Nosey McRosie and just like to look in people's homes. Believe me, when I open my blinds, I fully expect people to look in my window. Anyway, either the people in my complex are extreme exhibitionists or they just forget that their blinds are open, but here lately I have been getting an eye-full on my nightly walks. For example, last night I saw a couple, on a couch, making out with the guy laying on top of the girl, while he was groping the boobie area. As soon as I saw that, I looked away...I didn't want them to think I was some sort of pervert. Then, four apartments down, there was a man, sitting on a barstool, talking on the phone, in front of the window, NUDE...and the blinds were WIDE OPEN! Thank God all I saw was the backal and not the frontal. Seriously, he was sitting, bare-assed on a barstool, just talking away. Who sits in plain sight of a passerby naked?

Anyway, I think I might have to find a different route.

Until next time...



Unknown said...

Haha! I love to look in people's windows and doors. I wish I could see someone naked. I might walk the dog more!

d.g. said...

Ha. Ha ha ha. HA HA HAHAHAHA!

Princess Pixybell said...

Your going to take a different route, are you serious?? I would be making sure I took that route EVERY night, jebus a few naked men didn't hurt anyone haha, you lucky cow!!! xx

sublimenigma said...

Why you peekin' in my window?


Karen M. Peterson said...

It's amazing what people will do when they forget people can see them! (Or when they just don't care.)

I'm lucky. In my complex you can only see through our windows if you are standing directly on the front porch. Not that I would do anything like that with the blinds open...ever...

Karen M. Peterson said...

Spreading the love...I gave you an award today.

Janet said...

I too love looking into other people's houses. Mainly to see how they have decorated.

And I just gave you an award. :-)