Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I can't believe it's almost been a month since my last post. Sorry it's taken me so long to get on here, but I've been a busy little girl lately. I'll give you the rundown...

1. My bestie and her husband have split up. This is the main reason I haven't posted anything lately. The majority of my free time has been with her.

2. I've been out of town the past two weekends. Last weekend I went to New Braunfels with Tish and her mom and we did the whole "tubin' the river" or if I'm being honest "walking on slimy rocks because the river was so low that floating was not an option because Texas hasn't seen a good rain in I don't know how long." You should have seen my legs, I looked like someone beat me with a stick. Then, this past weekend, I went to Wimberley, TX with Terra to visit her dad. I've decided that if I was going to live in a small town, it would be Wimberley, TX. We went to Jacob's Well, which was all slimy because of the lack of rain and then we went to The Blue Hole. Then we went back to Terra's dad's house and sat in the hot tub (the water was more luke warm than hot, which was fine because it was hotter than hell outside.) for like 4 hours. Then, on Sunday, we left Wimberley and went to Austin to visit my friend Laura and her sexy, sexy boyfriend. We stayed there for about an hour and a half then headed back to H-Town. (Actually, we headed back to Friendswood which is a suburb of Houston where Terra lives.)

So, there you have it. I finally posted something. Check back later in the week, I have a couple of stories to tell. One includes me with a broom looking like a Samurai Warrior and the other includes me possibly creeping a young man out.

Until next time...


P.S. Happy 300th post to me!!!


sublimenigma said...

Really can't wait to hear about how you creeped out a younger man.
Glad you're back. :)