Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Header Picture

So, I decided to change my picture, you know, up there ^. Although, my Wonder Woman Underoos picture is one of my favorites of me growing up...I think I like this one equally as well.

So, I guess you're wondering what the hell I was doing dressed as a chicken. Well, let me tell ya...

I wasn't a chicken, I was Disco Duck. Yep, the first tap dance I ever did was to Disco Duck. I believe this was around 1979.

So, what do you think...should I keep the duck or go back to my superhero alter-ego???

Until next time...



Glamour Girl said...

Wow! Hard choice! I loved the WW pic because I have the exact same one of myself at that age. But the Disco Duck makes me laugh and makes me remember how much I hated that song!

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

You are still a Disco Duck! And sadly, I know you would wear this outfit today. I would, too!

d.g. said...

Truly, they both kick all kinds of ass.

Karen M. Peterson said...

The duck is very cute!

I'm still partial to Wonder Woman, though. :-)

sublimenigma said...

I have to admit, the duck cracks me up, it's too cute.
But honestly, both are fantastic.
This makes me want to start using a header again...

Janet said...

Ignore my previous comment. I guess if I would scroll down and continue reading...

I really like both pictures. Maybe you should change back and forth periodically.