Monday, October 20, 2008

The Weekend is Over.

I had a great weekend.

Friday night I went out with a new guy...we went to the movies and hung out for a while. (Hey Laura, you will be so impressed...I sat through the whole thing!)

Saturday I went to Jennifer's baby shower. She is barely 6 months along and she looks like she is about to pop. I guess three babies will do that. (Better her than me.)

Sunday I went out with another guy to the Texans game. (We've been out several times.)

I hope this week goes by fast. This Friday I'm going to a Halloween party and then Saturday I am going to the Horrorpops show. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Here is the latest video from Horrorpops. Watch it, I think you might like it!


Princess Pixybell said...

I think I need to move to your neck of the woods, jebus you have some social life!! have fun xx

sublimenigma said...

I agree with Pixie...did you just say you went on two dates this weekend?
Go Mandy! :)