Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ike was a MoFo part 3

I know it's been over a month, but I just remembered to buy batteries for my camera. So, here is the evacuation and aftermath of Ike in pictures from Seabrook, TX.

This was the first hotel we went to...The LaQuinta!!!

Hurricane evacuations are not complete without the industrial sized box of Pop Tarts.

I grabbed as many photo albums as I could carry from my house, just in case it wasn't there when I got back.

This is what I came out to after the hurricane. I wish I could find the douche bag with the bb gun.

Can you explain to me why this window cost $150 more than the back window...

That's my sister's car next to mine.

This is the second hotel we went to, this is the transformer that the owner was telling us about.

My nephews and I before bed. It's a lovely picture of me, as you can see I have no make up on and I am sporting my 4 year old spectacles.

This is my apartment complex, I was standing on my patio.

This was the tree next to my apartment.

If you look closely, at the bottom of this picture you wil see a sidewalk and on either side you will see buildings. We got really lucky that the trees didn't fall on any of the apartments.

The weird thing is, Clear Lake is in front of the property, you would think the trees would have been blown the other way.

This is about a mile from where I live - Nasa Road 1

Still on Nasa Road 1

I don't think these boats made it.

This is a boat restoration place on Nasa Road 1.
(If you look in the background, you can see some condos. They have been deemed uninhabitable...there was a sailboat stuck in the walls.)

This is the carpet that had to be pulled out of my mother's house because of flooding.

More stuff that was ruined at Mom's.

My mom's neighborhood.

One of Mom's neighbors.

Mom's neighborhood.

Driving through Mom's neighborhood.

Driving through the neighborhood.

Some people lost everything.

Still driving.

It's true...City of Seabrook ROCKS!!!
Again, sorry it's taken so long to post these. When I look at these pictures, it breaks my heart. But, you would not believe the progress the city has made cleaning things up. Sadly, there are still people living in travel trailers in their driveways because sheetrock got wet and now there are some mold problems. Luckily, mom just needs new flooring. All in all, our family was very lucky.
Until next time...


d.g. said...

Oy. I never got to see what the damage looked like around town (other than Galveston), because, you know, I don't watch TV like every other normal person in the world. So these pictures kinda ... floored me. I knew the Clear Lake area was bad, and one of my coworkers lives in La Porte and he described it as a "war zone." I'm glad to see that the houses at least *survived* there, which is a great thing, considering how little of Galveston was left, but still, all that damage ... and ruined carpet and furniture ... and oh, the MOLD, ack!

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

Wow! That is crazy. I can't believe it did so much. Well, duh, of course it did. But, wow! All that stuff lining the roads is crazy. And sad. But, at least everyone made it through. And, new carpet ain't too bad. Probably too damned expensive, but ya know.

Oh, that that window thing just sucks. What the hell is wrong with people. Fuckers!