Thursday, October 2, 2008

THAT was Your Idea of a Compliment?

Have you ever been told something by a member of the opposite sex that was supposed to be a compliment, but in your mind you're like "HUH?" I get quite a few of them, some of my personal favorites are...

"You've got such a pretty face." and "Wow, you are THICK!"

But I have to say, the best one came a couple of years ago when I worked for another petroleum distributor. That company had a tire service that would come and fix or change the tires on all of the trucks. The gentleman that always came out was named Willie. Willie was short, thin, had a jerry curl, and had one tooth in his mouth...and it was gold.

Willie: Amanda, can you sign this ticket?
Me: Sure. How are you doing today, Willie?
Willie: I'm fine.
(I sign the ticket and hand it back to him.)
Willie: You know what?
Me: What?
Willie: Whenever I look at you, I think of a Clydesdale!
Me: That's an awfully big horse, Willie.
Willie: I know. You're a big, thick girl...And that's a good thing!
(All I could do at this point is look at him with my mouth hanging open.)
Me: Thanks Willie, I guess.
Willie: You're welcome.

Then with that, he got in his truck and left.

So, since I still work for the same guy, just at a different company, I still get to see Willie. And now instead of calling me Amanda, he simply calls me Clydesdale.

Until next time...



sublimenigma said...

I almost snorted when I read that.
That's not cool man.
Just not cool.

I remember a female coworker of mine threw a fit when one of the men in the office told her she looked 'phat'. He meant it completely as a compliment...but didn't consider how it might be taken given that it sounds so much like 'fat'.

She actually had to be pulled away from him.
It was bad.

Princess Pixybell said...

HAHAHAHA, now that cheered my morning up. Mine are usually wow don't you have a small head!! I really don't think thats a compliment they try and retract it by saying NO NO I mean a little face, doll like. TOO LATE!!! xx

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I have just had to come to the conclusion the my Jody loves big butts. No, fat butts. And it is a compliment when he says he loves my fat ass. Now, don't get me wrong, there is no way in hell it could be anything but fat. I mean, it's not one of those tip of the iceburg JLo asses that may or may not be fat. It is! Why he likes it, I will never know. And why he likes it fat is beyond me. But, I am learning that that means he thinks it is the sexiest ass in the world. I think he's fucked in the head. But, I guess if it is being said as a compliment, I should go with it.

Now, clydesdale might be a bit much. But, maybe the man finds them hot!