Monday, February 4, 2008

The weekend - The Synopsis

Friday night, Vegan and and his girlfriend met Ginger and me at my apartment then we went to the Cock-Eyed Seagull to meet up with The Mother, The Sister, and some of The Sister's friends to watch my uncle's band play. To say that Ginger and I got trashy drunk would be a huge understatement. We had so much fun though. We danced and sang and laughed all night long. The next morning was not so joyful. I think I've mentioned our love of Jager before, well Friday night we proved it! I'm not sure how many shots we took, but it was a lot. When we woke up Saturday morning, we both looked like hammered dog poo and we smelled a lot worse. My bedroom smelled like we had taken a swan dive into a liquer bottle, did a couple of laps of backstrokes then decided to get out and lay in bed. It was bad people!

Saturday, we went shopping in a hungover haze and bought Thing 2 two new video games. (I have a feeling Ginger was getting tired of Star Wars.) Then we went back to my apartment to take a nap. We had to go to a party at one of his friend's house. Neither one of us drank, we pretty much looked like zombies. We left around 11, went by Jack in the Box ate and went directly to bed.

Sunday we ate breakfast with The Mother and The Sister. I was not feeling all that well so we went back to my house and I slept for a little bit, I think he did too. We then drove to his house and I stayed over there last night. You could have knocked him over with a feather when I told him that I had never seen The Terminator. So, guess what I saw last guessed it! It wasn't bad. The special effects were seriously dated, but what do you expect from a movie made in the 80's?

Anyway, the weekend was good. I think we are going to his family's cabin next weekend. It's in the country, I don't know how well I'm going to do out there.

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

Oh yay! It sounds like you two are doing so well. I love spending time in the country, but I love all that rustic roughing it stuff. I'm sure you'll enjoy getting out of the city for a little while.