Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wrong Number

Have you ever called anyone by mistake??? Everyone has, right? Well, this morning I thought I was calling a friend and when the person on the other line answered the phone, it was not my friend...it was my ex! I had mistakingly called my ex-boyfriend, I did what any person would do in that situation...I hung up. As soon as I hung up, tears started welling in my eyes. The last time I talked to him was last October and he was friendly, but cold. Does that make sense? I think I misdialed because August 23 would have been our 7th anniversary. Sometimes I think about our relationship and I think, "Did I make the right decision?" Ultimately, I know that it was...but there is still that little piece of me that wonders, what if. What if we would have stayed together, I know that I would have had a good life. I know that I would have been taken care of. I know that I would have been "content." But, is that enough? The main reasons I broke up with the ex was because we were in the same place we were in when we first started dating, he still lived in Humble and I still lived in Clear Lake, he traveled 4-6 months out of the year for work and I didn't feel there was any "passion" in our relationship. He and I both had severe commitment issues. (I know mine stem from a father that left and didn't look back, his were because his family was just plain nuts.) Over the six years we were together, we started trusting each other and were happy for the most part but there were other issues that I won't get into here. It's hard to go from talking to someone every day for 6 years to not talking to them at all. Is it normal to do this still after a year of being apart?

As I type this, I'm getting teary eyed again...So, I'm going to stop for now.

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

Very cliche, but...everything happens for a reason. Still missing someone who was such a big part of your life for so long is completely understandable. Especially only after a year. However, there's no need to dwell on whether or not you made the right decision in going your separate ways. Dwelling has never done any good for anyone and always makes you second-guess yourself...which I'm guessing you two broke up for a very good reason otherwise you wouldn't have walked away to begin with.

You're a witty, intelligent, wonderful lady that deserves being more than "content" - you deserve to be "happy". You should settle for nothing less than that!

Princess Pixybell said...

Its really odd missing someone, I find it really wierd (maybe its just me) sometimes I wonder if anyone actually misses me. I fell for someone and it went wrong after 3 years and I miss him dreadfuly. I do something and think O' I'll tell Lb about that and then remember that hes not around anymore and it gives me a real ache inside. What a feck up us humans are!!!
Hope you feel better soon love and hugs from RAINY,FLOODED England xx

d.g. said...

This sucks, I'm so sorry for you. No matter how strongly you feel that you made the right decision (and you KNOW you did in this case), that doesn't make it hurt any less, nor does it prevent you from wondering what could have been -- only time will heal this kind of wound. But it WILL heal. And you DID make the right decision. And you DO deserve to be more than content, as Rice Spice pointed out. *Big hugs*

sublimenigma said...

There's a theory that it takes half as long to get over someone as the relationship lasted. Based on that...you won't really be over him until 3 years have passed.
Regardless, your friends are right...you know you did the right thing, and you are a good person who deserves to be happy.

Personally, part of me missing someone is due to the fact that I truly enjoy my friends, and I won't date someone I can't be friends with. All of which means that I turn to them and rely on them for all of the friend stuff as well as the more intimate benefits of a relationship. So when it's over...well...I still want to talk to them, to tell them little stories and ask their opinion on things.
Sometimes I just miss the company.

I'd say you're completely normal...though I'm a bit weird...so consider the source. ;p