Monday, August 13, 2007


Well hello all!

I don't know why I've been so uninspired lately. But, apparently I'm not the only one. Hoochie and Rice Spice seem to be going through the same funk as I have. Although, Rice Spice should have something today since she just got back from Jamaica...lucky girl!

So, for your reading pleasure, here is what's been going on...

The Brother
Anyway, as you all know I have a sister, but you probably don't know that I also have a brother. We have the same father but different mothers. I have mentioned before that my parents divorced in 1980 and after that we didn't see my father or his family. I got back in contact with my brother when I was 19 years old, I drove to his home in Hull, TX and spent the day with his family. I remember having so much fun getting to know my nieces, nephews, brother and that time there were 4 kids, 2 girls and 2 boys. A couple of years later they moved to the Lake Jackson area, then a couple of years after that they moved to the Witchita Falls area and we lost contact. Well, about a week ago, I was on myspace and decided to search for his kids, I found his oldest son and then got an email from my brother. I found out that they have added an adopted son and 2 foster children. And, to top it all off, my oldest niece has gotten married AND had a child! I can't believe so much has happened in 10 years. Hopefully, we will keep in touch this time around.

The Vegan
I am so glad that Vegan and I did not try to force a relationship, he has become one of my closest friends. We talk to each other every day, and it's kinda cool. We can talk about anything. He is the one guy I can be a total dork with and he accepts me in all my beautiful dorkdom. Tuesday night, I went and had dinner with was the first time we had seen each other since June. I wish he didn't work so much so we could hang out more often.

The New Friend
I recently started emailing back and forth with a friend of Movie Buff's and we hung out Tuesday night and Sunday night. (His name will be Short-Timer, he is moving to NYC in a month and a half.) I am so envious of him, I wish I had the nerve to sell all of my things and move to a different state. I find him intriguing, he is different from any of the people I normally associate with. It actually makes me a little sad that we didn't hang out sooner, I think we could have had and interesting friendship.

I have said it before and I will say it again...I love Doodlebug! She and I are closer now than we ever were before. She and her family have become my family. I am the Jackie to their Dan and Roseanne. (Although, we are MUCH better looking!!!)

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

I think there is something in the air that is making us all uninspired lately. Since I took a trip, I have something to write about for now. I'm hoping I won't have writer's block the rest of the week.

As for your updates, I'm glad you gave them. I was starting to wonder whatever happened to Vegan. Are you still on you vegan diet? I've been meaning to ask.

sublimenigma said...

if my son wasn't here I don't think I'd be writing very much. Rice Spice is right...there's something in the air.

Anonymous said...

Right you are single girl...10 years is a is a funny thing and it does not always work out like those stupid Hallmark things we used to watch when we only had like 4 stations to choose from, but it is GOOD!!!! Even in the midst of the mess! anyway...The family and I are pretty stoked about getting connected again with ya! Hey...rememebr the chiken gumbo? At least I think that was chicken...we really didnt ask did we? Anyway, We aint the Duggers but I think we are trying to be! God love ya single girl...I know I Do!

The Brother

d.g. said...

Wow, all three of us, and now SublimeEnigma, too? It MUST be in the air ... some interstellar-dark matter-proton-neutron-conglomeration thingy that is floating around, sucking the inspiration out of us all. NASA needs to get right on this problem ... blogs are suffering!