Sunday, August 19, 2007

Can I get a beer and a shot of tequila please!

The first thing I would like to say on today's post is Thank You! Thank you to Rice Spice, Hoochie, Princess Pixiebell and Sublime Enigma for your kind words. I will have you all know, I'm doing better.

So, on to Saturday.

Originally, I had planned to spend Saturday with Vegan. We were going to do some shopping then probably go to a bar that evening. Well, sadly, he had to work on Saturday...So, I went out with a guy that I have gone out with a couple of times. We went to a couple of sports bars on the north side of Houston so we could watch football with some of his friends. I will say this, I WAS BORED TO TEARS!!! This gentleman is very nice, but very boring. Something I find rather strange is that he tells a lot of stories, but they are never stories about him. Usually it's stories about situations his friends get into, and I'm sure these stories would be funny if I actually knew the people he is speaking about. So, the date ended about 9:45 Saturday evening. I was not ready to call it a night so I called Vegan. Lucky for me; he was home, he wasn't doing anything and he didn't have any company. I went and picked up a 12 pack of beer and headed to his apartment. By 4:00 in the morning we had finished the beer and taken 3-4 shots of tequila. The whole night was a mixture of talking, laughing, picture-taking, dancing and crying. We talked about how neither one of us were "lucky in love" but decided that that was ok since we had each other, we laughed about stupid stuff, as we started to get a good drunk on we took picures of each other. Then the fun part of the evening started...we were listening to music and started dancing around his living room. Let me tell you, trying to teach someone to waltz while drunk is not an easy task. Then we were looking around on myspace and he showed me his ex-fiancee's myspace page. That got us talking about our exes, thus starting the crying. He pulled out what would have been his wedding ring and some things she had given him, I walked to my car and got my ex-box and we looked through that. I know it sounds absurd, but I think it was a good thing. Apparently both of us needed someone to talk to about all the thoughts rolling around in our heads and fortunatly we were there for each other. As crazy as it sounds, Saturday night will go down in my memory as one of the best Saturdays ever. I am so glad that Vegan and I found each other and have become such good friends, he has become one of those people that I will always be there for and I know he will be there for me. I've said before, I don't fully open up to anyone but for some unknown reason, I feel comfortable talking to him about anything. Maybe it's getting the male perspective on men that I go out with, people I associate with, and the things I do day to day. I don't know. We've only known each other since April, but it seems like a lot longer. A friendship like ours doesn't come around very often, hopefully everyone gets to experience this kind of friendship at least once in their life.

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

I think it's fantastic you have such a great bond with Vegan. He sounds like a great guy to have as a friend.

Princess Pixybell said...

Now how cool is that, I don't have anyone like that, it would be so nice to be able to open up I mean just get rid of some of the crap we all have rolling around our heads (mine maybe pea sized but boy can it hold alot of useless info in there!) your a very lucky girlie and hes cute too JEBUS you truely are a lucky biatch xx P.s glad your feeling better!

d.g. said...

I think it probably WAS great for you guys to discuss your feelings about the ex's, complete with the sharing of the "mementos" from those relationships. That's the kind of therapy you simply CAN NOT get from a pyschologist.

Also, I'm glad you and Vegan were about to become such great friends. Most times, when you date someone and it doesn't work out, they just sort of "disappear" from your life, even though they quite possibly could have been a great friend instead of a boyfriend. It's nice that the two of you saw the potential of a great friendship. :)