Thursday, June 7, 2007

Update on Fuck Face...

I received this email today...

"I was obviously lying to this employer about the fiance thing cuz I couldnt think of a good excuse why I missed the first interview with them. I didn't want to say I was hungover. But I am seeing someone recently and it might become serious i'm not sure so sorry for the mix-up and good luck on the personals with your search. Bye.

Fuck Face"

Ok, apparently, I seem like an idiot. What pea-brain would actually believe that story?

I did not even dignify this email with a response, even though it bugs me that he can't seem to use spell check...I have grown fatigued of this person.

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

Yea, because looking like a deadbeat drunk who can't get a job looks sooooo much better than a cheating bastard. This guy is a total catch!

Amanda said...

Exactly. According to his resume, he's been unemployed since November. If you've been unemployed since November, it's time to get out of the bar and start looking for a job. I weep for his fiancee.

d.g. said...

Sounds like a, um, real winner ... God, what a 'tard!

sublimenigma said...

Ya'll are mean. I've been looking really hard for a job...wheeling and dealing at the bar, making connections and whatnot.
Meeting people.
Hey! I've even met a few women who don't mind the fact that I have a fiancee...I mean...just because you're not into that sort of thing you don't have to be so mean about it.

Oh, and I am too a winner!
My mom says so...right after she does my laundry.


Princess Pixybell said...

This guy is so marriage material, along with sub who apparently gets CAKE girls lusting after him(sorry sub couldn't resist haha!!) he sounds divine this FF, what a muppet! xx