Monday, June 11, 2007

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I sure did.

Friday night I went to Barnes & Noble and picked up a new cookbook and a couple of books for my Paw Paw for Father's Day. Talked to Vegan for a little bit and then went to sleep. (I know, I have such an exciting life!)

Saturday, I spent the majority of the day moving furniture. Big Daddy and Mrs. Big Daddy gave me their headboard and king size bed. So, we had to transport the bed from the east side of Houston to Clear Lake. Thank God Big Daddy has a truck and trailer, I would have looked really strange hauling a bed on the top of my mustang. Anyway, I love my new bed. It is basically brand new! When you're single, king size beds are awesome. I can actually sleep with my body in an "X" postion. It's wonderful! Saturday night, I went out with Escort. We went to Mai's and I had spring rolls with tofu instead of shrimp and a dish called salted tofu. It was YUMMY!!! It wasn't salty at all, however, it was very spicy and I thought I was going to have to use a fire hose on my tongue. If you are in the mid-town area and want really good Vietnamese food, go to Mai's. After that we went to Empire and had coffee. I dropped him off at home and was home by midnight.

Sunday I had to go to an alumni meeting. After that, I went to Vegan's house and we went shopping. When we got back, I made him the noodle salad I made last week. Remember how I told y'all that I did not know how to cook...Well, he didn't believe me. Every time I started chopping something, he would take the knife away from me and say, "Let me do that for you." He didn't have the Pasta Express, so I put water in a pot and he told me, " that's not enough water, that's too much water..." Here is a little excerpt from our conversation...

Vegan: You really don't know how to cook, do you?
Single Girl: I told you that.
Vegan: I thought you just didn't like to cook and then said you don't know how so you won't have to. That's what I do.
Single Girl: Nope, I really don't know how to cook.

Hey people, at least I'm trying. So, after the very simplistic noodle dish was done, we sat on the couch and watched TV. I left around 9p and was home at 10p and in bed by 11p.

I will say this about Sunday...the alumni meeting I went to was at a mexican food restaurant, and guess what, I still haven't eaten any meat products. I am now on Day 7, and going strong.


All in all, not a very exciting weekend...but not bad either.

Until next time...

Single Girl


d.g. said...

Better than my weekend ... all I did was clean and sleep! :)

Rice Spice said...

I giggled imagining you sleeping in the center of the bed like an "X". I still do that sometimes... Baby is not a big fan of it, but he's gotten used to having a little person take over the entire bed...ha!

sublimenigma said...

Mai's is excellent, good choice.
I like Empire too...but next time try Agora, it's down about a block and across the street.