Friday, June 15, 2007

Extending my journey...

I think I have decided to extend my vegan journey another month. Giving up all animal products has not been as difficult as I thought. I have been told that you won't see any of the benefits for about a month and a half. Well, I started this 11 days ago and I can see differences in myself. For example, I have always had problems with my skin. You would think by the time you are 31, your skin problems would clear up...not true my friends. But, since I have changed my diet, my skin looks and feels better than it has in years. Another thing I have noticed, after I eat I don't feel like an Oompa Loompa. I've also lost some weight, which was inevitable. I knew that once I cut out all the fast food, I was bound to lose some weight. Now, if I could only motivate myself to go get on the treadmill or something.

On a different subject...I smoked half a cigarette last night. Not only did it make me feel guilty, but it tasted like ass and made me light headed. So, I don't think I'll be doing that again.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Until next time...

Single Girl


d.g. said...

I am SO proud of you! You are doing an AWESOME job! Don't look at smoking the half-cigarette as a failure, but rather a little stepping stone ... it *did* make you feel sorta sick, which will reinforce your decision to quit. So it was a *good* thing, not a transgression! I totally understand the feeling after eating when you are consuming only healthy foods ... I too feel SO much better after a meal now because I'm not stuffed with fat/grease/lard. I feel full, but light, instead of heavy, tired and ready to explode. Yay you!

Rice Spice said...

Way to go!!! I have to admit I've fallen off the healthy wagon as of late. No gym in two weeks and eating fast food which I don't normally do. Yikes! I'll just keep reading about how healthy you are being and hope that I can be healthy by association ;)

Rice Spice said...

Oh, btw, I thought maybe you'd enjoy today's post on this blog. It's the extremist version of you...hehehe

Amanda said...

Yes, I read that blog on a daily basis. This one was one of my favorites!!!

Amanda said...

Yes, I read that blog on a daily basis. This one was one of my favorites!!!