Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Day 2 and still going strong!!!

Well; my little meat eating friends, day 2 was a breeze!

I have fixed my soy milk in the coffee situation...I bought soy creamer, MUCH BETTER!

The frozen banana was ready to go this morning; although, I think I like the smoothie better with a non-frozen banana.

The pre-made, pre-washed salad I bought at the store and ate yesterday I didn't like to much. For some reason it tasted like dirt to me. So today, I found my new best friend. I went to Subway and got a Veggie Delight on Italian bread with the sweet onion sauce. OH MY GOD!!! I did not realize how good a sandwich could be without meat. I know, I know, you're thinking, "Single Girl, how do you know that the bread didn't have egg or whey in it?" Well, you little carnivores, I googled Vegan Friendly Fast Food and a message board popped up. They were talking about Subway, so I looked on the Subway website and low and behold the good people at Subway said that the Italian bread was "Vegan Friendly". I paired that with a bag of Sun Chips and a bottle of water and went about my merry, little way. So, kudos to Subway!

And guess what...I cooked again this evening. I steamed fresh green beans and made potatoes. Let me tell you about my potatoes, I am so proud of myself. (If this doesn't sound very inventive, please don't tell me.) I was sitting at work trying to figure out what to make for dinner and BAM it hit me. (Sorry, I got the bam from Emiril. I thought it added a nice touch.) I took a pan and sauteed onions and garlic in olive oil then cut up the little red potatoes in cubes and threw in some fresh rosemary. They were damn tasty. So, there you go, I AM A CULINARY GENIOUS!!!!

On a different note...when I was driving to work this morning, drinking my smoothie, Vegan called me. He just wanted to see what was going on. Kind of out of the blue, but nice none the less.

Until next time...

Single Girl


d.g. said...

Your posts are so funny ... I can so see you actually saying these things aloud, large hand gestures and crazy facial expressions and all!

It's awesome that the cooking is going so well for you. You may find that you actually even LIKE it! And yeah for Subway for making it easy for Vegans to eat out!

Rice Spice said...

I love Subway veggie delight sandwiches. I didn't realize the Italian bread was vegan-friendly. I learned something new from your vegan quest.

As for Vegan calling you on your way to work, how sweet is that???? I only get the morning drive phone call from Baby if he thinks he did something wrong the night before. Then he's like, "Ummmm...I was just calling to see how you're doing this morning..." as he's fishing around to see if I'm still about to rip his head off...hehe.