Saturday, June 16, 2007

It's not fair...

Why do cigarettes have to be bad for you??? Why do cigarettes have to be so expensive??? Why do cigarettes have to be SOOOOOO good???

I was driving down the road the other day and there was a suburban in front of me and I noticed the beautiful cloud of smoke that came out of his driver side window, and I envied him. I thought to myself, "lucky bastard." I actually wanted to use his body as a speed bump. Anyway, today is my 6th day of being a non-smoker and it sucks! It actually feels like I've lost my best friend. I know that the sadness will pass and the cravings will go away, it's just not happening fast enough. I do realize in the long run I will be much happier.

On a slightly positive note, my mom was in the car and lit a cigarette and it smelled bad to me...that's a start, right???

Until next time...

Single Girl


d.g. said...

I felt the same way each and every time I quit. It totally and completely SUCKS ASS for about the first week, but after that? You're good to go. Seriously, it will get much better -- to the point even that you'll actually get irritated when other people smoke around you. Go you for making it 6 days -- that's SO MUCH HARDER than most people realize!!

Rice Spice said...

Congrats on making it this far in your quest to quit smoking. I've never been a smoker, so I can't say I feel your pain. But I have witnessed how hard it is for Baby to say no to a cancer stick every time we go out for drinks. As well as how hard it was for my ex-roomate to make it through an 8-hr flight to Hawaii without a stogie. She ran off the plane and outside of baggage claim before even claiming her bags so that she could light up. I think she may have even kicked a few children and tripped an old lady on a walker to get out of her way. pretty brutal.