Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 5 of 30

I decided that I would weigh and measure every Friday...I would rather do that on Fridays rather than Mondays because Friday is before the weekend when you are more likely to drink and eat things that probably aren't the best choices in the world.

So, I got home this evening, but on my boxer shorts and tank, pulled out my measuring tape then stepped on the scale and you know what I found out...

Apparently, Jillian knows what she's doing.

Weight: -3.8 lbs
Bust: 0
Waist: 0
Hips: -.5"
Thigh: - 1.5"
Arm: -1.5"

I couldn't believe in just 5 days I had actually lost weight and inches! Especially since I haven't really modified my diet all that much. I've tried to make better choices...I went to Wendy's the other day and ordered the Grilled Chicken Sandwich and substituted the french fries with a side salad, but I've also had Mexican food and donut holes.

After 5 days the workout still hurts, although, it's getting a little bit easier day by day.

These results have made me excited to continue this challenge, hopefully next week I can report more body reductions!

Until next time...



Janet said...

Wow, congratulations on the weight loss! That is amazing in only five days. Keep up the good work!

sublimenigma said...

Woot! Kickass! Keep it up.
You know, I hadn't thought about the "21 days to make a habit" thing in a very long time.
I think that's what happened to me. I spent so long laid up with my knee injury that my habit became laying around instead of working out.

I'm going to do something about that, and your posts have inspired me to make that change.

You rock! :)

Princess Pixybell said...

Go Mandy!Wow that is fantastic!! keep up the great work, your doing fab. xx