Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 2 of 30

Day 2 hurts! That's all I really have to say about tonight's workout.

I do want to say, I really like this Jillian Michaels person. I have never seen The Biggest Loser, I have heard that she's really mean, almost bitchy. You know what I like about her...she tells it like it is. She doesn't try to make working out sound light and fluffy.

She says things like...

I know it hurts, but work through it that's when your body is changing.

You're fine, you can do it.

You can't get great abs by doing 5 crunches and stopping!

I appreciate her straight forward honesty.

Thank you Jillian...if I'm not dead after the next 28 days, I just might buy another one of your DVDs!

Until next time...



Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I am so glad you are doing this. And you did it twice in a row. That's always one of the hardest things. I give up too easily.

I had planned to start this yesterday, as well. Unfortunately an almost 19 hour work day and waking up with a serious cold killed that. Oh, and the fact that I am a lazy, fat ass.

I am so proud of you, though! Maybe I will start next Monday.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I know a lot of people that have tried the 30 Day Shred and I've heard so many times that Jillian Michaels is evil. I almost feel sorry for her! Or, I would if she wasn't evil.