Friday, May 25, 2007


Tomorrow is May 26th, tomorrow will be my ex's 39th birthday, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.

As most of you know, my ex and I were together for almost 6 years. In those 6 years we had some bad times and some very good times. There are times when I miss him and there are times when I'm glad it's over. But, there are still those memories of all the fun we had together when times were really good. As stupid as this sounds, I have a shoebox full of little stupid momentos, you know cards, pictures, notes, etc...and then it hit me, it's sad that 6 years fits in one shoe box. It has been almost a year since we broke up and that box is still in the trunk of my car. If I get it out of the trunk I will feel compelled to open it and I don't think I'm ready to do that just yet.

So, to my ex...


I wish you all the happiness you deserve.

Until next time...

Single Girl