Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fire Extiguishiers and Vegetarian Burritos Don't Mix.

I spoke with Vegan briefly on Monday night, but our conversation got cut short as he had just used his fire extinguisher to put out the raging inferno that was his stove. Sadly, he was in the process of cooking his vegetarian, non-dairy burritos...the food didn't make it. :( So, needless to say, he was not in the most stellar of moods on Monday night. So, he called me last night and after about 15 minutes of chit chat, I told him that I needed to know something. I talked to him about the conversation on Sunday night regarding him not wanting to be in a relationship. I explained to him, that I didn't really want to be tied down at the moment either, and hoped that I was not giving signals that I was. He explained that he did not get that feeling from me and that he didn't know why he felt the need to say that. He said does enjoy spending time with (You were right Mr. Enigma!) but he doesn't want to get to the point where he feels he has to tell me where he's going, who he's with, etc. There was a lot more to the conversation but I won't bore you with the details. After this conversation, he asked me if I wanted to go to the Astros game on Sunday, so I guess that's a good sign. :) So, I feel much better about the whole situation...I am actually going to take the advice of Sublime Enigma and stop trying to apply female thoughts to male actions. I am going to just let things happen. Life is way less stressful when you go that route.

Until next time...

Single Girl


d.g. said...

I haven't heard it put quite that way before, the whole "don't apply female logic to male action" or however it went, but it does make *much* sense. Sometimes it seems that men really are from Mars and women from Venus ... we simply do not think the same way about any given situation. And while that makes for a lot of confusion while dating, it is actually pretty useful when you are in a relationship, as it provides two ways to looks at every situation, one of which you probably never would have thought of on your own ...

I'm glad you had the talk with him, however, so you now know were you both stand, and you can proceed to have fun without constantly second-guessing the situation.

sublimenigma said...

I'm glad you guys got to talk. Have fun at the Astros game! :)