Wednesday, May 23, 2007

List of New Things

So, as I stated in my last post, I am going to fill you all in all the new things I would like to try this summer. This list is subject to change, since there are so many things that I want to try. So, here you go...

1. Belly Dancing - I have been talking about this for years, but have never taken the time to actually go to a class. As some of you know, I took dance classes from the time I was 3 all the way until I was 19. When I graduated from high school, I had planned on buying a dance studio, but after all the years of dance and 4 years of high school drill team I had become burnt out on dancing. I made the decision to pass on the dance studio when I was 19 and have since regretted it. Since then, I realized that the dance studio was my safe haven and I felt completely at home there. I have been to restaurants that have belly dancers that perform and it is amazing, sexy, beautiful and elegant all at the same time. There is actually a studio that specializes in belly dancing in my area, so I plan on going and signing up for classes. One other selling point...the curvier you are the better. I'm all for anything that celebrates the curves of a woman and doesn't make you feel like it would look better if you were waif thin.

2. Yoga - Yet another class I have been interested in but never made time to check out. Everytime I see anything about yoga the people that are doing it or talking about it look so relaxed and peaceful. I think I need that. I spend the majority of my time stressed out about one thing or another. It will also help me prepare for when I become a Cirque du Soleil performer. :)

3. Brazilian Wax - Yes my friends, I want to do this. I have expressed interest in this before and have had friends look at me like I'm nuts. But, I don't care. I have no idea why I want to do this, but for some reason it appeals to me. Now, I might get there and have it done and decide, you know what...that wasn't all that pleasant, I don't think I will do that again. But for some reason, it doesn't seem like it would be that bad. Maybe I am nuts.

4. Vegan - I have already informed all of you about this, so there is no need for me to say any more.

So, there you go. I have 4 new things on my list for me to try this summer. If any of you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Until next time...

Single Girl

P.S. Did y'all see my ex win Dancing with the Stars last night?


d.g. said...

More new things ... woot!

Princess Pixybell said...

Ahh your list sounds like me! Vegan (tick) Brazilian wax (tick) yoga with pilates throw in for good measure(tick) as for the belly dancing I can't tick that one, although your right its very sexy but alas I have the grace of the waiter from Faulty towers!! have fun xx

sublimenigma said...

Go sailing.
You live in the bay area...I'm sure you can find someone willing to share their boat. :)

Amanda said...

Subliime Enigma:

If only it were that easy to go sailing. I've actually been on a sailboat once, it was tied up to a pier at a boat show. Sadly, I got very seasick. Thanks for the suggestion though, please keep 'em comin'!


I'm not sure what Faulty Towers is, but I'm guessing the waiter is a klutz? If this is the case, you can tick off another thing we have in common. :)


Thanks for the woot! Right back at ya!