Saturday, May 5, 2007

I've been neglecting my blog...

Good morning all, sorry I haven't been writing as much as I would like. There has been A LOT of things going on in my life right now. Some things I can talk about, some things I can't.

Anyway, work is going well. As you know, I am working for a company that opened it's doors in April. We are getting things going slowly but surely. I love working there. There are 3 people that work at my office and I am the only female. I have come to realize that I would much rather work with men than women. Women tend to be backstabbing. Anyway, if you or anyone you know needs any fuel or lubricants, please email me and let me know. :)

Last weekend the alumni group that I am a member of danced in the drill team's annual Spring Show. We had so much fun! I was told by many members of the audience that the dance looked AWESOME, this made me feel really good since I choreographed the majority of the dance. We had alumni on that stage from the class of 2006 all the way back to the class of 1983. We do this every year, and I always have fun. But I will say this, I'm glad it's done. When you don't dance every day, you tend to hurt when you start pushing yourself to get ready for a performance. So, last Sunday I didn't do anything but lay on my back and groan in pain. It was like every injury I ever had when I was dancing full time came back to haunt me. But, enough about my old body and how I don't bend like I used to.

On the personal side...I am no longer seeing Hook-up. After my realization of the drinking I decided to back off. So, I haven't heard from him since a couple of days after Buzzfest. Don't get me wrong, Hook-up was a very nice guy, but there are a couple of types of people that I know I should not be in a relationship with...

1. People who go to the bar every night - I will end up in the bar every night, and that's not good, alcoholism runs in my family (I would like to send a big THANKS! to my sack of crap sperm-donor for that lovely gene!)
2. People that are perfectly happy sitting and doing nothing - I will get extremely bored and end up eating anything that doesn't run away to quickly. (My butt is big enough)

So, there you go. I have been talking to a couple of men that I met on the personals. We'll see how that goes. Maybe soon I will have some more names to add and some more weirdness to write about. (The weirdness is for you Slut Puppy. I know how much you enjoy reading about my luck with men.)

So there you go, not much to write about in my life right now. But soon my friends, things will pick up again!

Until next time...

Single Girl


sublimenigma said...

At least you have some idea of what you don't want in a man.
Best of luck by the way.
If nothing else...the personals should make for some excellent stories to tell your friends. :)

Anonymous said...

The dance was awesome, I think it was the best alumni performance since the first year.

Rice Spice said...

I would've loved to have gone to the see you guys dance in the Spring Show. How nostalgic would that have been for me?!?!

As for Hook-up, you made the best decision for you and that's all that's important. You're bound to have more fun with guys you're getting to know over the personals. I wish you all the luck!