Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Saturday night I had to attend a high school drill team banquet. I have only been to one of these since we started the alumni association back in 2003, but they asked me to go since it was my last year. Let me say this, banquets are NO fun once you've graduated. They give all these silly awards that are funny when you're a member of the team but make absolutely no sense if you you're not. They do a Remember When" thing, here are a couple of sentences that were said that my jaw nearly hit the table...

"Remember when Molly farted at officer camp?"
"Remember when Holly blew a snot bubble during practice?"
"Remember when Polly SHARTED during practice?"

Let me say this, if I was Molly, Holly or Polly, I would have kicked someone's ass. I am not even joking. I would have asked my date to hold my purse, I would have jumped out of my chair and started beating on these girls.

Anyway, so after all the awards were handed out and the slide show began, we all ducked out and headed to Stetson's, a country bar. Now, we have just left a banquet so we are all wearing dresses and heels...we are way dressier than the rest of the patrons at the bar. I do need to point this out, of my group, I was the oldest and largest. We find a spot and order drinks and I notice this guy standing a couple of people down from me at the bar and I think to myself, "He's cute! But, he looks pretty young." So, we're all laughing and having a good time then the "boogie down" music comes on, so we decide to get on the floor and shake our groove thang for a minute. Once the country music starts again we make our way off the floor and I go and grab my drink and cute guy comes up to our group and says, "Would you like to dance?" And I look at Alicia, waiting for her answer and he says, "No, you." When I look at him I say, "Oh, me?" Then he grabbed my hand and led me on the dance floor. So, once the song was over we said our thank you's for the dance and went back to our spots at the bar. Then around 1a Jolyn said there was another bar she wanted to go to, so we started closing out tabs and finishing drinks. Then, cute guy was standing across the bar from us and he said, "You in the white dress..." and Jolynn looked at Alicia and said, "He's talking to you." and Alicia said, "I'm not wearing a white dress, he's talking to Amanda." And when I looked up, he asked me to come over there. We talked for a moment and he told me how cute, pretty, blah, blah, blah I was and he asked me for my phone number. That's when I asked him..."How old are you?" I expected him to say 22, but he said, "I'm 27." So, I start thinking, "That's not THAT much younger than me." So, I give him my phone number. The rest of my group grabs me and we leave. We go to the other bar, have time for one drink and one dance then it's time to go.

Once I get back to Jolyn's house, my phone starts's cute guy texting me. Then, cute guy calls me and we talk until about 3:30am.

And he's been texting and calling since Saturday. He seems like a nice guy and he's funny, so we'll see what happens.

Oh, and you know how I said that 27 didn't seem that much younger than me, well the other night he said something about when he graduated...2000! That's when it hit me, this guy wasn't even born until 1982...I WAS IN THE FIRST GRADE! Oh well, maybe I'll try being a cougar for a while.

Until next time...



d.g. said...


sublimenigma said...


Janet said...

You go Mandy! And keep us posted. I'm living a vicarious cougar life through you now, I've decided.

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I will double that Woot! We need details. If I wasn't super busy, I would call you right now. Yay!

Anonymous said...

I've been stalking your blog for the past week or two, but had to add my two cents to this post. You think it's bad that you were in the first grade when your date was born? Try 10th grade? Yep... that's right. My boyfriend was born the year I was a sophomore in high school. I gave him every reason imaginable why we couldn't date, and he shot them all down. I finally caved in, and we've been dating for almost a year. Best relationship I've ever been in. Give it a shot. You just never know. :)

Karen M. Peterson said...

A five year age difference does NOT make you a cougar, you silly!

If he seems cool and he's a decent guy then give it a shot. Why not??

Princess Pixybell said...

You go Girlie, xx