Thursday, June 18, 2009

Can I Call You Eddie?

I got a phone call from Oscar, A.K.A. Vegan, last night and I thought I was going to pee my pants I was laughing so hard by the end of the conversation. It went a little something like this...

Oscar: So, I walked into this store today that sold prints and posters and things like that over off of West Alabama.
Me: Oh yeah, did you find anything?
Oscar: I asked the guy if they had anything with pinups on it or Bettie Page. (This is why Oscar and I are such good friends. We both have an unhealthy obsession with Ms. Page. The only reason he started talking to me...MY BANGS!) And the guy looked at me like I was crazy and said no all rude.
Me: Really, that's not cool.
Oscar: So, I pointed to one of the pictures and said, "How much is this?"And the guy looked at me and said, "It's very expensive."
Me: NO SIR, he went all Pretty Woman on you?
Oscar: Yeah, and then I said, "Well how much is it?" and the guy said, "$4000, it's an original." I almost pulled out my American Express to buy it, just to take it back tomorrow.
Me: So, what did you do?
Oscar: I walked out.
Me: You know what you should do?
Oscar: What?
Me: You should put your suit on tomorrow and go in there with a big, bunch of bags and say, "You work on commission, right?"
Oscar: (Laughing) Big Mistake. Huge. I've got more shopping to do.
Me: It's a good thing we don't live close to each other...we would SOOO be doing that this weekend!

Until next time...



Anonymous said...


d.g. said...

I hate snotty salespeople ... just because we don't wear Prada or whatever doesn't mean we're completely penniless, sniff.

Karen M. Peterson said...

That is so funny!

I hate lame-o sales people too. Who do they think they are, talking down to people that walk into the store. I mean, aren't they the ones that are working RETAIL??

(Not that there ANYTHING wrong with that!)