Thursday, November 6, 2008

I have a question...

Now that we are two days past the election, I've calmed down quite a bit. Looking back, Obama's victory was an ENORMOUS milestone for this country. Believe me, I get it. This is one of those times in history when children will ask you, "What were you doing when you found out that Obama was elected President?" Laura commented on my last post that everything will be okay, and I hope she's right. She also made the comment that He seems to actually want to do things to help the country. But, isn't that why someone runs for President? I mean, when George W. Bush was elected, I don't think he moved his clothes into the White House closet and looked at Laura Bush and said, "You know what, I think I'm going to start a couple of wars and hopefully start another depression." There are several blogs that I read and the majority of them are very far left. And you know what bothers me the most is the fact that if you are anything but liberal, they basically think that you're stupid. That only people that are racist, uneducated, and fanatical Christians would vote for a Republican. I will say that Laura (my friend not Bush) and and I are on totally opposite ends of the spectrum on our political views, but never once have I said that she was wrong or stupid for what she believes...and to my knowledge she has never said anything like that about me. So, to those of you who are democrats out there, Congratulations! I am happy for y'all, but watch out in 2010!!! ;)

So, on to my question. For the last two days all I have heard and read is how historical Obama's win was on Tuesday, and I agree, but if McCain had won it would have been just as historical because it would have been the first time a woman would have held the office of Vice President. My question is, would everyone be as celebratory over the accomplishment for women? Think about it, it's been less than 100 years since we were granted the right to vote and we would have had a woman Vice President. Would the feminists be out hugging everyone, jumping up and down and celebrating?

Here's another question, what if the first black President would have been a republican? What if, instead of Obama, the President Elect was Alan Keyes or Colin Powell? Would it still be viewed as uniting the country and breaking down racial barriers?

This is not me being angry Mandy or sore loser Mandy, I really want to know. So, please delurk and let me know what you think.

Until next time...


P.S. Last political post for a while.


d.g. said...

Emily voted for McCain in their elementary school mock-election because she thought it would be awesome for a woman to be vice president. Not that she thought it would be UNawesome for a black man to be, but she's a girl, so of course to her, that was just as, if not, more important and empowering. So even kids (at least little girl-kids) recognize that had McCain been elected, it would have been historic as well. And it truly would have. Would it have been less historic than Obama's presidency? Absolutely not, but it may have taken longer for anyone other than the feminists to recognize what a huge accomplishment it was. But then, I truly believe that there are still too damn many old, set-in-their-sexist-ways men in this country who believe that a woman isn't capable of more than popping out kids and keeping a house clean, and that presents a rather formidable challenge for any woman seeking the presidency right now.

Regarding what the situation would have been like had Obama been Republican, or had another black Republican run for office, I think that because of the war and recession, many Americans almost *blame* not just Bush, but ALL Republicans in general for these problems, and were hopeful that a Democrat could "fix" the country. I think that any Republican that ran in this election wouldn't have been very successful because so many people are scared right now about the economy.

But that's just my own weird opinion. I'm not a Republican OR a Democrat, so I can only take a stab at it. Your questions are definitely food for thought ...

d.g. said...

Wow, sorry ... didn't mean to write a freakin' NOVEL in your comment section.

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

Now, I must say there was a lot of Obama (and all of us in the cities) being called fake American's and UnAmerica. However, that wasn't so much McCain, as that goon he ran with. I say goon because that is what she was. She took that campaign down fast. It made me realize one thing about this country.

It is more sexist than racist. I don't know if that is good or bad. First because someone in the McCain camp thought every woman who voted for Hillary (Me! Yes, me! ) would vote for McCain with Palin over Obama. Well, that just goes to show they think women are idiots who vote based solely on the girl vote. Guess what, we don't! Sometimes, I admit that I might lean that way. But, not in this kind of a situation.

And second, did no one check out her record? Her past? Her present? Her anything? Again, just stick a woman on and we get the vote. Well, that didn't work.

That proved to me sexism is a bit stronger than racism. At least we are making some progress.

And, just to note (and not to start an argument because I will stop here), I do not think Bush went into politics or office based on his want to help people. Maybe some, but not the majority of our country. But, alas, it is what it is. Actually, maybe I should just throw that crap at Cheney. Oh, Cheney. Now that man was not out to help anyone!

But, this is how it goes. In four or eight years we will blame Obama for everything. Then the next will be a Republican (I do agree that it seems that most think it is now the toothless or incredibly wealthy party. Which is odd since the two don't really mix well). But, then it Dem, then GOP again.

So, every few years we will get to nanny nanny boo boo each other!

Be glad you have a winning personality, Mandy! And fab dance moves or we may not get along. Wait, yes we would. You like my buttafucco jokes!

I'm running next time bases solely on those damn jokes. Man, they are funny!

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

Don't worry, D. I went nutty, too!