Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Me

Well, as you can see, I came up with a new title. I decided on "Mainly Mandy" because most of the people I know don't call me Amanda. Usually the only people that call me Amanda are coworkers or people that I've met recently, but once they are merged into groups with my friends or family they end up calling me Mandy.

If you are a first time visitor, let me catch you up...

This blog was originally called "The Trials and Tribulations of Being 30 and Single" and I used the name Single Girl. When I originally started this it was a way for me to have a history of being newly single after being in a 6 year relationship, then about 7 months ago I met a guy that I thought would be "my one" and a couple of months after we met he moved into my apartment and I was no longer a Single Girl, so I dropped the anonymity and introduced myself and the entire cast of characters that make my world go 'round, once I did that I realized I needed a new title, so I chose "Why Buy the Cow." Well now I'm back to being single, and I'm dropping my guard even more and going by the name that all of my closest friends call me, besides Bitch, Mandy. So, this blog will be mainly about me...but there will be mention of others too.

Until next time...



Princess Pixybell said...

Enjoy the new you!! Sorry about the whole 'Philip' thing but like Dg said men are stupid haha.

Takecare and go have fun xx