Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Recap

Per Mr. Enigma's request, here is a recap of the weekend happenings.

Friday night: Tish called me around noon and told me that she would be at my house around 6ish. She called me around 6ish and asked if I would go out to her house, she had taken off work early and started drinking shortly after we got off the phone. So, we didn't hang out in Clear Lake, we hung out in...Needville! Exciting stuff huh??? Actually, we started off with dinner in Rosenburg then we went to a bar in Pleak, TX THEN we ended up in Needville at a bar called Stubby's. (The nightlife is pretty slim in the Rosharon/Rosenburg area.) So, at Stubby's I realized that my "boy sight gauge" needs to be fixed. First let me say that I had no intentions of "hooking up" with anyone. All I wanted to do was go out, do some laughing and a little bit of flirting. So, when we got to Stubby's, there was this guy standing at the end of the bar and I thought to myself, "Wow, he doesn't look like a redneck hillbilly at all...he's kinda cute!" So, I told Tish to glance over there because I thought this guy was REALLY cute. So, she looks over there and then she looks at me with this smirk on her face and the conversation went like this...

Tish: Of course you think he's cute Mandy, he looks like a weirdo.
Me: What, why do you say that?
Tish: Look at him, his head is shaved, he has a goatee, he has tattoos, he's wearing converse tennis shoes...it doesn't surprise me that you think he's cute.

So, I start thinking about what she has said and I realized that she was right. I mean, this guy wasn't the strangest looking guy I had ever been attracted to, but he wasn't your typical guy. I don't know how to explain it, but he just looked different. So, I kept looking over at him and this old man looks at me and starts laughing...

Old man: Don't even think about trying to talk to that one.
Me: Why not?
Old man: That boy can't hold a job.
Me: What?
(The boy walks over and the man taps him on the shoulder.)
Old man: Don't go spending your entire unemployment check in here.
The boy: He he he.
Old man: How old are you now?
The boy: 22
(I look over at Tish.)
Me: What the hell he's 22 and unemployed.
Tish: Are you surprised?
Me: What do you mean.
Tish: (giggling) You know how to pick 'em.

And she's right, I DO know how to pick 'em. There is something wrong in my head, I think I need electro-shock therapy. It's like I'm a beacon in the night for all men that are...

1. pot heads
2. unemployed
3. drunks
4. freaks of nature
5. mentally unstable
6. bizarre family relationships
7. criers
8. commitment-phobes

So, I think it's time to reevaluate my life and figure out why I don't dig normal people.

Until next time...



sublimenigma said...

Thanks for that story, I'm grinning ear to ear thinking of your friend's reaction.

We can't really help who we're attracted to. It's how you choose to handle the attraction that counts.