Monday, May 19, 2008

I can't do that, it makes me sick to my stomach.

Have I ever told y'all that Phillip likes video games? Well, he does. When I was younger I had a Nintendo and I miss the days of Super Mario Bros., California Games and Tetris! When I was a teenager, I upgraded to a Sega Genesis and I was damn lethal at Mortal Kombat. When he moved in, his XBox 360 and Gamecube also moved in and I had not really played any video games since the days of ripping some one's spinal column out of their body via their chest cavity. Do y'all remember the brew-ha-ha over how violent Mortal Kombat was??? Anyway, Mortal Kombat is NOTHING compared to some of these games. Anyway, I'm not sure if it's because I'm old or the video games are just different now, but the majority of the games he has, when I watch or play them, they make me sick to my stomach - kinda like being car sick. It's horrible. There are only a couple that I can actually play....Devil May Cry 4 is the only one that gives me no motion sickness at all. Even though the graphics on these games are better, I really don't think they are as fun as Super Mario Bros. or Tetris. All you're really doing is running around and occasionally you slice something with a sword, shoot something with a gun or blow something up with a grenade. I miss the days of running as fast as Mario's legs would go and jumping over the flagpole. And with today's never die! What's up with that? What happened to three lives, but if you get enough coins or the "1Up" mushroom you get an extra life??? I actually feel sorry for this generation's children...they will never know the satisfaction of actually getting all the blocks lined up just right that when the long straight one comes down, not only do you clear the board but the screen lights up and you get the "Wow you just cleared five lines" music. And with today's games you can save the game right where you are and turn the console off and come back later...I remember the good ol' days when I would come home and start a game and time would come for me to go to dance class and I would pause the game and threaten people with their lives if they turned my game off. Sadly, it was usually Nanny that had come back to our house and started her own game. I couldn't say anything to her, she would just tell me to quit being a brat. I will tell you a funny story about me playing Resident Evil recently...Phillip thought I might like it and he said he didn't think it would make me sick and he was right, it didn't make me scared me. The Resident Evil game he has is for the Gamecube and the Gamecube doesn't have wireless controllers. So, I'm sitting on the couch and he tells me to go into this building, what he didn't tell me was that there was a zombie hiding in the building and as soon as I walked in the door the zombie jumped out and attacked me. It scared me so bad that I jumped, screamed and pulled the controller out of the console all at the same time. Here's the sad part, that happened twice. I told him I do not want to play something that freaks me out and scares me to the point of jumping and screaming. If given the choice I'll take the bad graphics, koopa troopas, venus fly-traps, coins, princesses and a short, squatty Italian fellow in overalls with a sweet porn star 'stache any day of the week.

Until next time...



Anonymous said...

Try out a game called Monkey Ball for Game Cube... Super fun!!!

Anonymous said...

How funny is that, my fave was space invaders on Atari!! I still have my console its fab xx

d.g. said...

You need to come over soon so you can play Mario 1, 2 & 3 ... I swear, those games almost see more play in this house than the other 15 we spent a small fortune on!

We actually had a family game night, spontaneously, weekend before last. My mom, dad, Sarah and Toffer all came over and we played American Idol karaoke (except my chicken-ass, I just can't bring myself to sing in from of other people, ack), and some trivia games, and Guitar Hero, and bowling, and baseball ... it was a blast! I need to organize another night soon and you and Phillip need to come over as well!

I understand about the "car sick" sort of feeling. If you read the disclaimers on most games these days, they are not recommended for people prone to seizures, and in fact, can cause seizures in people who've never even had one. I nearly passed out one time playing EQ2 ... after feeling like my eyeballs were about to shoot right out of their sockets; it was a strange feeling, needless to say. The graphics in modern games have advanced so much, and tend to overwhelm the senses sometimes.