Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Alive!

Hello, my faithful blog followers. Sorry for the lack of posts lately. A lot has been going on, not so much with me, but with friends of mine.

I'm pretty proud of the fact that I'm "drama-free" and I think I've figured out why God has made my life so stressless. (I'm not sure if that's a word or not, but I'm going with it.) Apparently, I was put on Earth to absorb some of my friends problems. I was talking with the mother and told her that this is the first time in my adult life that my friends' problems are more than, "Why didn't he call? He said he was going to call! I slept with him and I never heard from him again! BOO HOO HOO." No, now it's real shit! In the past month this is what I've been there for...

1. A set of friends that are going through a divorce. I am friends with both parties and so I have heard both sides. The male half of the couple started dating a girl very shortly after they split and he has recently broken up with her. So, not only is he dealing with the end of his marriage he's also dealing with the end of a relationship that got way serious way fast.

2. Another friend, who is divorced, is now dealing with serious issues with their ex and most likely is going to go through a very long, drawn out custody fight.

3. Another friend called me at the beginning of October and told me that his addiction to pills had reared it's ugly head and that he was going to go through a month long outpatient rehab type thing.

On a happy note, I have been seeing a guy for the past two months, everything is good and he's pretty awesome and I like him a lot. And that's all I'm going to say about him at this point. I haven't mentioned him here because it seems like whenever I mention a new guy on this little blog, and I get all excited about the prospect of a new guy it blows up in my face. So, I'm going to keep him under wraps for a little while longer.

One thing everyone should know about me...I am a worrier! MASSIVE WORRIER! So much so, that my mother doesn't tell me things until she knows if there is something to worry about or not because she knows that I will sit there and freak out until I get the all clear. The worrying got so bad this weekend that when I was on the phone with the guy he told me he could tell something was wrong and I just busted out crying and said, "I just want everyone's life to get back to normal, I'm worried about everyone and all this stuff is happening and the holidays are coming up blah, blah, blah." He told me that it might be time to step back from my friends and let them know that I'm not actually a licensed therapist and that other people's problems shouldn't bring me to tears.

I know all this, but this is in my nature and you can't change that. I'm a firm believer in friends are the family that you pick. And when anyone in my family is hurt, then I will hurt with them.

Until next time...



Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I am so calling you tomorrow! Oh, and I am so glad you finally wrote! But, I am so calling you tomorrow!

Janet said...

I'm happy you're posting again. I missed you! And I'm happy for you that you're seeing someone great.

Karen M. Peterson said...

It sucks. All my friends have grown up problems now, too!

Possible congrats on the boy, though. I don't want to jinx anything for you, but I might be happy for you!