Friday, November 13, 2009

They're trying to speak to me!

I think my appliances are out to get me, one by one. Last October I posted this about my dishwasher. For about a month after the dishwasher incident I was scared to use it, so I hand washed everything until the mother told me to get a grip and loaded the dishwasher and started it.

Now, I think my microwave is trying to talk to me.

Let me explain...

About six months ago, I was asleep and around 2a I was woken up by a strange beeping in my house. At first, I thought maybe I needed to change the batteries in my smoke detector, then I realized, no probably not, I've never changed those batteries and they're probably deader than a doornail. So, I get up and follow the strange beeping...I walked down the stairs, through the living room and into my kitchen and that's when I realized my microwave was beeping and beeping LOUD! Not only was there a weird beeping, but I had accidentally left the microwave door open and, it's hard to explain, but the door open and the light coming on and shining on the wall and the cabinet was WAY creepy! I slowly walked over to the microwave and closed the door and the beeping started coming faster! So, in one swift move I unplugged the microwave, and your going to think I'm crazy, but as I was reaching for the plug I start saying in my head...

"Please quit beeping when I unplug you, please quit beeping when I unplug you!"

And it did. So, I went back upstairs and went back to bed.

That weekend, I plugged the microwave back in and that night the same thing happened. So, I got in the habit of keeping the microwave unplugged while not in use. Then I started noticing that when I was heating up my Spagetti-o's it would start beeping at me while the heating up was in progress. This was really starting to freak me out! So, then I started heating up soup, spagettin-o's and raviolis (yes, I know, I eat crap) on the stove.

One night, the guy asked me, "Why don't you heat that up in the microwave?" That's when I told him about the beeping and that I had come to the conclusion that something from beyond was trying to contact me using Morse Code, and I don't speak Morse so I think the fast beeping is them yelling the code at me. (This should tell you how awesome and patient he is) He looked and as serious as he could be...

The Guy: Mandy, have you set the time on your microwave?
Me: No, I don't think I ever have.
The Guy: That could be why it's beeping. Have you looked in your owner's manual?
Me: No, I'm not even sure where that is. I might have thrown it away.
The Guy: So you just put it up there, plugged it in and started heating things up? Didn't read the manual or anything?
Me: Nope, it's a microwave, you plug it in, stick the food in there, and hit start. Why would I need an owner's manual for that.
The Guy: I have a feeling that might be what it is, I don't think anyone is trying to contact you through Morse Code.
Me: Well, I'm not chancing it.

I haven't tried setting the time yet...maybe I'll try that this weekend.

Until next time...



sublimenigma said...

Maybe the microwave is just trying to say how totally AWESEOME you are and that it feels super lucky to be the one that heats up your food.
What? That could totally happen.

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

Good lord. Please don't break your ankles this time! Be sure that when the spirit of the microwave calls you name, you slow take the stairs!