Thursday, November 19, 2009

What's in a Name

I want to change my name. No, not my first name because Amanda is the most awesome name in the whole world. I'm talking about my last name.

I hate my last name! Seriously, hate doesn't even begin to express how much I dislike my last name...if you combine hate, loathe and detest that might come close to how I feel about my last name. You see, my last name is the only tie that I have to my sperm donor. It pisses me off that I'm walking around with HIS name. When I was growing up, I begged my mother to change our last name to her maiden name, she would always tell me, "Mandy, you're going to get married one day and your last name is going to change. Just be patient." And I've been patient...but let's face it, I'm 33 years old, I've never been married...I've never even been engaged. Every birthday that goes by, is another year that I have to have that man's last name. I mean seriously, the damn thing ends with an x and it's mispronounced ALL. THE. TIME!

When I told the mother of my thoughts on changing my last name, she asked me what I would change it to. I mean, if I go with her maiden name then my name will be a little rhymey and people would expect me to speak Spanish more so than they do now. I thought maybe I could go to the nanny's maiden name, but her maiden name is french, my sister's middle name and it gets mispronounced as much, if not more, than my current name. And here is another dilemma...I've been in the same industry for almost 10 years and I've had customers follow me from one distributor to another, so they know me as Amanda Sperm Donor's last name.

What to do, what to do...

Until next time...



Janet said...

Just thought I'd share, I recently changed mine. I never did go back to my maiden name after my divorce four years ago, and began to wish I had, so I did. Took some of my tax refund money and did it.

It cost me about $500, I did it myself, and looking back, it's doable, but I recommend paying a little extra (and it would have been VERY LITTLE) to pay a lawyer and avoid the hassle.

Anyway, it was a big pain, and if I'd known how hard it would be, I might not have done it. But, I'm sooooo glad I did. It was well worth it.

I did a lot of debating, maiden mame? Mother's maiden name? Grandma's maiden? Something new and only mine? I did go with my maiden name, not because of my father (as he's one reason I did NOT want that name back), but because of my grandparents on that side, whom I adore.

Princess Pixybell said...

I just wanted to pop by and say how nice it is to see you back on your blog, I missed Mandy time!!! Hope your friends probs all sort themselves out and good luck with the 'guy' you sound such a lovely person and if your not happy with your name then just change it and let the customers know I'm sure they will follow you wherever you go your that type of person that attracts other nice people!! xx

Karen M. Peterson said...

I think you should drop the whole last name thing and just be Amanda! In fact, I think you should keep the exclamation point. Don't you think


has a nice ring to it?

terra said...

you can always have my maiden name....i don't need it anymore.