Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just The Monitors???

I received a couple of comments yesterday regarding the burglars taking just the monitors. After we looked around some more, we noticed some other things missing...

Four 17" flat screen monitors
One cordless drill
One car battery quick-start something or other
One Budweiser neon sign
One broken cell phone

Yep, they made out like BANDITS!

Most likely it was kids or some random meth-head, who knows.

I'd kind of like to thank them...Boss lady replaced all the 17" monitors with 23" monitors. When you use a 23" monitor, it's like stuff just hits you in the face.

I already have total monitor's OK, I would too.

Until next time...



Karen M. Peterson said...

My roommate just got a 23" monitor at her office. Every time I stop by to visit her I am just so jealous.

d.g. said...

I think that's what Chris and I have at home. My monitor is so fabulous that sometimes I totally want to make out with it ... true story!

Janet said...

Okay, stealing a VCR is worse than stealing nothing but monitors! Except it's actually really hard to find a VCR in a store anymore. Maybe these thieves not so dumb.