Wednesday, January 14, 2009


**Warning, this post contains foul language!

Have you ever looked at a picture and immediately gotten pissed off? Well, that happened to me yesterday.

I was on Facebook again, and decided to look up my brother. He is actually my half-brother, we have the same father. Anyway, I was looking through his pictures and came across one of an old man and one of my nephews. I wondered who the man was, so I looked at the caption...Josh and Gramps and under that it said James. That's when I realized that I was looking at a recent picture of my dear, old dad. Let me preface the next statement with this statement...I am not a physically angry person, I've never been in a fight and I've never actually hit anyone in the face. But, at that moment, I seriously wanted to hit that man (the sperm donor, not the brother) in the face with a tap shoe. (I say tap shoe, because I've actually been hit accidentally with a tap shoe and it really hurts...) I'm not kidding, I would love to hit him right between the eyes SO HARD that he has the words Del-Tone permanently embedded on his forehead. That way, when people ask him, "Why do you have Del-Tone on your forehead he would have to explain to people that his daughter, that no one knows about, hit him with a tap shoe with the force of 32 years of built up rage. Don't get me wrong, I have had a great life and I have the most wonderful mother in the entire world. And believe me, my grandparents went above and beyond the call of duty for my sister and I. But, that doesn't take away the fact that I had a brother that I didn't know until I was 19, I have cousins that I've never met, I have another set of grandparents that were never around and now they're both dead so we'll never get to meet them, an aunt I barely know and an uncle somewhere out there. And you know what, the grandparents, the aunt and uncle are just as bad as the father was. When he and my mom got divorced, he disappeared...Didn't all this extended family wonder about us, or was it out of site, out of mind? Who knows, I figure it was their loss.

Oh, and...

Dear Jim:

You are a son of a bitch. And if I ever see you, don't be surprised if you get a big FUCK YOU, and a nice, sweet wave of the middle finger. And you better hope I don't have a tap shoe in my car.

Your daughter,


Ok, rant over...I feel much better now!

Until next time...



d.g. said...


Venting is definitely therapeutic.

Anonymous said...

If you see my dad, could you throw the other tap shoe at his face?

Janet said...

If you can find a third tap shoe, I'd like one thrown at my dad too please. OK, thanks.