Thursday, January 15, 2009

The New Picture

I got my Paw Paw a digital picture frame for Christmas, so I went through some old photo albums and pulled out some of my favorite old pictures and took them to Walgreens and scanned them all to disks. (Apparently, scanners have a shelf life of 1 year. Everyone that I knew that had a scanner told me, "I had one, but it broke after about a year. So I went to Walgreens.) After standing at the scanner in the photo section of Walgreens for about and hour, I received my three discs with 25 pictures on each one. So, after the pictures were loaded on the frame, I had three disks of pictures that I didn't know what to do with. So, I said to myself, "Self, why not use some of these as the header for your blog." So, that's what I did.

The picture I used during Christmas, the one with Paw Paw, Megan and me was probably from 1981 or 1982. The dress I had on was one that my Nanny made for me. When I was in the first and second grade, she made all my dresses. You see, back then, I refused to wear pants. If my mom tried to put blue jeans or pants of any kind on me I would start crying and tell her that "I didn't want to look like a boy!" Which, if you noticed how long my hair was, people thinking I was a boy was pretty much impossible.

The current picture was taken in either 1979 or 1980, as you can tell by the avocado green linoleum and the yellow Formica on the cabinets. Ah, the 70's such a colorful decade! Another indicator of the year, is the boots I'm wearing. My first year of dance was 1979-1980, I believe, and those boots were part of the parade uniform my dance studio had. Anyway, I was a HUGE Wonder Woman fan...I thought I was Wonder Woman. I would put on my Wonder Woman Underoos and my "go-go" boots and run around the house with my golden lasso, and fly around in my invisible plane. If you were a small child in the late 70's early 80's then you remember the joy an Underoo set brought, and if you were a girl in the late 70's early 80's then you HAD to have a set of the Wonder Woman. I have several pictures of me in these Underoos, and in each picture I'm standing the same way...the very obvious superhero pose.

So, that's the story behind the picture. Whenever I see it, it makes me smile!

Until next time...



d.g. said...

Cute! Super-cute, even! ;)

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

My god, that's a cute picture! I actually have those same boots right now!

And oh how I loved those cabinets and floor. I think I spent 5 years sitting on them. I don't actually think I made it anywhere at Nanny and Paw Paw's house except the kitchen, dining room, and Nanny's room. I do remember going and standing on the Nordic Track thing in Paw Paw's room once. It freaked me out.

Too bad you don't have any pictures of pool dancing fun. I mean, my music was fast!!! Pictures would prove it.

Princess Pixybell said...

That is the best picture I have seen on a blog in a VERY long time, fantastic!! x