Saturday, August 30, 2008

I know I'm in the minority....

in the blog world. The majority of the blogs that I read are very rarely political, but when they do speak about politics or what party they are affiliated with, they generally tend to be more left of center. I happen to be just right of center. I don't agree with some of the views of the Republican abortion, I don't know what I would do in the situation of an unwanted pregnancy, but I don't think the right to choose should be taken away. If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, women will still get abortions, it will just be in illegal clinics or in other countries and more likely than not a lot of women will die from botched abortions. In my opinion, this is more of a morality issue and you can't legislate morality. I also think same sex marriages should be legalized. Who are we to judge someone based on the person they fall in love with. Those are really the only two issues that I don't agree with my party on. With that being said, it seems that most Republicans are cast in a negative light. Like we're all Bible-thumping hypocrites or we are uneducated backwoods hillbillies or evil, ultra-rich, big business bastards that don't give a damn about anyone but ourselves. I don't usually write about politics, mainly because the majority of people that read this blog are my friends and don't share my opinion, and I'm a firm believer in NEVER discussing politics with others...mainly because, I'm not going to change my views and they're not going to change theirs. So, it's really a waste of breath and people tend to get really fired up when it comes to politics. With that being said, there were two quotes yesterday that really pissed me off...

"The hurricane’s going to hit New Orleans about the time they start. [Chuckle] The timing is — at least it appears now that it’ll be there Monday. That just demonstrates that God’s on our side. [Laughter] … Everything’s cool." - Don Fowler, Former Head of the DNC

“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said. “To just have it planned at the same time, that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for Day One of the Republican convention, up in the Twin Cities, at the top of the Mississippi River.” - Michael Moore, Liberal Filmmaker

Why is this Okay? Why is Fox News the only station that has said anything about these quotes? Can you imagine if someone affiliated with the Republicans had made these statements? You know what's sad, is statements like these can be made, but Democrats are viewed as the party that cares about people.

And just remember friends, before you rip me apart for my views or opinions, I would like you to ask yourself, "When did Mandy rip me apart for my opinions?"

Until next time...



Princess Pixybell said...

I once took politics at university, and dropped it after only 2 sessions. Here in blighty most of us choose to ignore our politicians because they talk a lot of tosh and we don't take it anywhere near as serious as our American friends. We all have our views and I visit a blog of a friend in NY who talks non stop about politics, I don't understand half of it, but I read it just to see what nutcase stuff some of your delegates have to say. FOOK me there almost archaic and I now know why you all have to think seriously about your votes. I don't envy any of you! Anyhow enough dribble, nice to see you back writing!! xx

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

Now, you know as a good Democrat, I must counter this. First, I think they were being sassy not serious (as I don't think either is a religious person). But, here area a couple from Katrina days....

"We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did." –Rep. Richard Baker (R-LA) to lobbyists, as quoted in the Wall Street Journal

"I understand there are 10,000 people dead. It's terrible. It's tragic. But in a democracy of 300 million people, over years and years and years, these things happen." --GOP strategist Jack Burkman, on MSNBC's "Connected," Sept. 7, 2005

See, not only Dems say things they shouldn't. They are all idiots!