Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Calmly waiting

Well, it's 5:15a, and I am sitting here waiting to see what Edouardo is going to do. Currently, I think he's pounding the Port Arthur/Beaumont area. I hope the winds slow down before it gets to the Houston area...The area of Houston that I live in is about 20-30 minutes from Galveston, so I'm kinda glad that it decided to take a more northeastern path. But, my Paw Paw lives south of Anahuac which isn't too far from Beaumont and his house is only about 2 blocks off the bay. Their house isn't in any low-lying areas, so hopefully all will be OK.

After watching the news yesterday, my mom called me and asked me to stay at her house last night. (The parking lot of my apartment complex has a tendency to flood, I think they're working on that now.) When I was getting my things together I realized I was grabbing the same things I grabbed when I was packing for the Hurricane Rita evacuation...the pictures of my grandparents and my jewelry that the ex gave me. Since I am "Worst Case Scenario Girl" all I could think about is, "What if a tornado forms and rips the roof off my apartment, what is the most important to me?" Everything else is in big, plastic tubs. And, the things that weren't in tubs could be replaced. My mother is outside right now and she just stuck her head in the door and informed me that the wind was picking up. The weather outside has been so calm, it's been borderline creepy. Seriously, since we live so close to the coast there is usually some sort of breeze. But, yesterday and last night, there was nothing...not even birds chirping or frogs ribbeting. (It's a word.)

So, to all of you in the Houston area, be careful today.

Oh, and Happy 200th post to me.

Until next time...
