Sunday, April 20, 2008


I've been a bad, bad blogger! This is a crazy time of year for me. Luckily, this is the last weekend before Spring Show. I had to go to my Alma Mater yesterday and help fix the tap dance I taught them a month ago, I am going to church this morning, then I will go to the school and start on the dance I have to teach next week, then I have alumni practice/dress rehearsal on the stage. I will probably be at the school one or two nights this coming week then I found out that the alumni dance is at the very end of the show, so Thursday and Friday I will be at the school until 9p or later. To top it all off, I have to be at the school next Saturday at 8am so I can teach a dance to 50 years of past drill team members. So, do you know what that means...I will be at a high school from 8am - 9ish pm on Saturday. THANK GOD THIS IS THE LAST YEAR I WILL BE DOING THIS!!!

Sorry this was not a very interesting post, this was more of a rant on my part. I promise, after the show I will try to get back to my old self. You never know, maybe something will happen that will be pure blogging entertainment.

Until next time...



Rice Spice said...

So how did everything turn out??? How was the show? Who is this telefone voip person? I many questions.

Rice Spice said...

Are you alive? What's been going on? Spring Show update..STAT!

Anonymous said...

Where are you???????

Amanda said...

I have no clue who telefone voip is...I never received a message on my email with this comment. I just tried to click on it and it's been removed. It's probably one that Diana started and decided she didn't like... :oP