Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Title

You might be wondering about the new title. Well, I will explain.

In the south, possibly in other regions as well, there is an old saying...Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. Basically, if you are a woman and you live "in sin" with a man he will never marry you because he's getting all the perks of marriage without truly committing.

I had thought about starting a new blog all together but decided to stick with this one since there is a year's worth of writing on it. So, I just changed the look up a bit and changed the title. When I started this blog, I wanted to keep some sort of journal about all the ups and downs of being single in your thirties. My life has changed quite a bit since January 2007. I have gone from Single Girl to Cohabitation Girl. There have been other things, but they are not important to this post.

One thing you should know, I have never lived with a man. When I was growing up, it was just my mother, my sister and me. There was a brief moment in my late teens when my boyfriend lived at my mother's house with me...but living in an apartment, just Phillip and me, has proved to be A LOT different than that experience.

Phillip has been living here for about three weeks and it has been wonderful, but there are adjustments that I have had to make. The apartment that we now share is only about 600 square feet. Let me tell you, that is not a lot of room for all of our stuff. I had to clean out one side of the closet, so I had to get rid of some clothes that I don't wear all that often. There is only one bathroom so, as you can imagine, getting ready for work (or to go anywhere for that matter) has proved to be a little on the difficult side. I'm also not used to having to put the toilet seat down, I have never really had to deal with this as I have only lived with other females. And, I'm not sure how two people go through so much toilet paper. I have said before, I am a very girly-girl. He has been great about dealing with all the ballerinas and the pink, black and white bedroom. I have a bookshelf in the dining room that has teapots, books and other girly knick-knacks on it, I want him to feel like this is his home too so I added to the bookshelf his favorite action figures (dolls): Michael Meyers, Freddie Krueger, Jason Voorhies and Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy. Yes, he is very much about the horror movie. (Can you guess what my least favorite genre of movie is???) I am also using two of his Simpsons toys as bookends, it actually looks good in a weird, eclectic kind of way. We will also be putting my dining room table and chairs in storage to make room for his desk that he uses when he draws, it's kinda like a drafting table. We have decided that when the lease is up here we are going to find a two bedroom/two bath.

Even with the adjustments, these past three weeks have been great. I love waking up with him next to me, I love knowing that when I get home he will be there, and I love the fact that not only do I want to take care of him he wants to take care of me.

Until next time...



Anonymous said...

BIG BIG smile....

Rice Spice said...

Your blog looks fantastic!!! I love it! AND I love the title. Welcome to the "Living In Sin Club"! You should receive your membership card in the mail shortly...

Amanda said...

Thank you both so much.