Friday, March 7, 2008

Another year down...

So, tomorrow is my 32 birthday...yay! (Can you detect the sarcasm???) I'm just kidding, my thirties have been great!

Ginger is on his way over right now and I think we're going to dinner, then tomorrow night Ginger and I are going to a bar on Hwy 6 with Mother of Three and her husband to celebrate not only the day of my birth but also Katy Dweller's. This will be the second year that we've all gotten together for March 8th birthday festivities. I know I said that I wanted to have a roller skating party, but time got away from me and I was not able to put everything together. I'm thinking I might just throw together a day of skating, not so much to celebrate anything, just to get in touch with our inner 12 year old. Maybe I'll get a cake and we can celebrate everyone's birthday on the same day...what do you think????

If you'd like to join us tomorrow night, email me and I will let you know where we will be...It should be lots of fun!

Until next time...

Single Girl


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a lovely birthday! xx

sublimenigma said...

Happy Belated! I didn't realize we had birthdays so close together, that's cool.

Hope you had a great night and a great birthday! :p