Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Favorite Things

Since we are a week away from Christmas, I thought I would compile a list of my favorite things and maybe it would help those of you who are still shopping for that perfect gift for your mother, sister, girlfriend, wife...whatever.

1. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I love red lipstick...it makes me feel sexy! I honestly think all women can wear red lipstick, you just have to find the red that looks best on you. My personal favorite is by Avon (don't laugh) Super Rouge. When wearing the red, don't forget the lipliner!

2.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Black cake eyeliner
I have been using cake eyeliner for about a month now and I will not go back to the pencil or liquid. This stuff does not smudge or get in the creases of your eyes. The only warning I have is if, in a drunken stupor, you fall asleep without washing your face...you will wake up looking like a raccoon.

3.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Amber Romance from Victoria's Secret
It smells really good.

4.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket The Spin Spa

I'm sure all of you are aware of my addiction to As Seen on TV products...believe me, this is well worth the money!

5.chi iron
Enough said.

6.torrid logo
Pretty much anything from Torrid. I love this store, it is one of the few places that understands that just because you are larger than a 10, doesn't mean you want to wear elasto-pants and vests with children holding hands embroidered across the front. Chicks with booties want to feel hot too!!!

7.old navy!!!
Old Navy is another store I could go crazy in. i have everyone of those flip flops and that shirt in about 7 different colors. Since I work at a company that requires me to wear jeans and shoes that can be worn in construction sights, pipe yards and chemical plants, Old Navy is where I get the majority of my work clothes. Comfortable and affordable!!!

The last three items I am going to list are movies. I'm not a big movie person, but these are three of my favorites...

8.The Great Muppet Caper
How could you not love a movie where Ms. Piggy is a Super Model...AWESOME!

9. victor victoria- movie
"A woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman?"

10.The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas
That's right folks, probably my favorite movie. I have seen this movie hundreds of times and every time the whores start singing "Hard Candy Christmas" and begin boarding the bus to take them away from the Chicken Ranch and Miss Mona I cry like someone just hit me. It doesn't hurt that I absolutely LOVE Dolly Parton. I have a feeling if you saw her walking down the street and you went up to her and asked her if you could hug her, she'd be cool with it. How could you not love someone like that.

So there you have it folks, 10 of my favorite things. There were a couple of things that I had to leave off the list because I couldn't find pictures for them, for example...my As Seen on TV Flip & Fold, the thing that folds t-shirts, probably one of the best purchases of the year.

Until next time...

Single Girl


sublimenigma said...

There's an instructable on how to make your own flip and fold. I keep meaning to do that.

Oh...and elsatopants and vests with little fuzzy animals or WB Cartoon characters are SUPER HOT.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, with plenty of red lipstick, cake eyeliner, and sexy clothes to boot. :)

d.g. said...

Red lipstick, huh? I honestly think I'm the only person that can't wear it, the exception to the rule, because I have yet to find a shade that doesn't make me look like a complete freak 'o' nature! Blame it on this weird yellowish/olive complexion bestowed upon me. Blah.

I have heard a lot of great things about cake eyeliner. I'll have to try it someday, right after I leave the no-eyeliner phase I'm in right now. Do you have any brand recommendations?

BTW, I posted on my blog. Please don't faint, it would take me too long to run over there and help you up. Besides, I think I'm going back to sleep now ... but yeah, there's a post. It isn't much, but it's there. :)

One of these years, when I have money (ha!), we need to get together. I'm so itching for some Westheimer shopping, with maybe some hot tea from Empire Cafe thrown in. Oh! And you can't forget the people-watching - that's always a treat. Maybe after Christmas?

Princess Pixybell said...

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas red lipstick and not much else sounds good to me! As for the red then I'm one who can't wear it either, I think its because of my toothy grin!(large mouth syndrome!). Ahh well I hope you and your family have fun, and Santa fills your stockings for you!!! love Pixypie xx