Monday, December 3, 2007

It's been a crappy couple of months...

As I mentioned in a previous post, the Single Girl family is having some issues. Not so much me, but The Sister. As you may or may not know, I am a worryer (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it, or if it's even a word, but oh well.) So, whenever anyone I love goes through any kind of drama, I go into full on worry mode. I've been like this since I was a child. I'm not going to go into it here, because that's her business and I don't know if she would want her business on the interweb.

So, on top of the worrying about The Sister, tragedy struck my house this morning.

My cat, Miss Kitty, that we've had for 13 years, passed away this morning. Miss Kitty was a beautiful, Russian Blue. She weighed about 30 pounds up until about a month ago. Miss Kitty saw a lot in her 13 years, she saw boyfriends come and go, she saw not one but six different residences, she endured the 24 hour drive to Lufkin, TX during the evacuation of 2005 and through all that she was always the perfect lady...lazy, bitchy and fat! But she had a sweet side to her also, she was especially sweet when she wanted you to pet her or she wanted you to get out of her spot on the couch. RIP Miss Kitty...thank you for 13 amazing years, I will miss you!

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

Sorry to hear that The Sister isn't doing so well. I hope things turn up for her. As cliche as it is...everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it takes us a while to figure it out, but it really all has a purpose.

As for Miss Kitty, I'm so sorry for your loss. RIP Miss Kitty!

Princess Pixybell said...

Sorry to hear your having a crappy few months, I'm going through a bit of a hate my life kinda thing at the moment. I have a brother thats causing our family issues, just can't seem to help don't know how just not good watching my mum struggle with what hes doing. So ontop of that I have plurasey, so I've spent the last few days in bed bored s**tless and coughing my lungs up. I'm in a properly bah humbug mood grrrr. Sorry about your kitty, you takecare and hope things get better for you ALL xx