Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday Morning Me Me

1 Word Quizzilla
1. Where is your cell phone? DESK

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? NONE

3. Your hair? SILKY

4. your mother?AWESOME!!!

5. Your father? FUCKER!!!

6. Your favorite thing? COMPUTER

7. Your favorite food? SEAFOOD

8. Your favorite drink? BEER

9. Your dream car? MERCEDES

10. The room you're in? OFFICE

11. Your ex? GOOD

12. Your fears? DEATH

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? HAPPY

14. Who did you hang out with last night? MOM

15. What you're not good at: ORGANIZATION

16. Muffins? TOPS

17. One of your wish list items? JUICER

18. Where you grew up? CHANNELVIEW

19. The last thing you did? DEPOSIT

20. What are you wearing? CLOTHES

21. what aren't you wearing? NECKLACE

22. Your pets? HEAVEN

23. Your computer? LAPTOP

24.Your life? CRAZY

25. Your mood? GOOD

26. Missing? NANNY

27. What are you thinking about right now? CUSTOMERS

28. Your car? FILTHY

29. Your work? WONDERFUL

30. Your summer? VEGAN

31. Your relationship status? SINGLE

32. Favorite color? RED

33. When is the last time you laughed? TODAY

34. Last time you cried? NOVEMBER

35. School? DONE

There you go people, my's actually not as dull as this survey would suggest. There is a lot going on right now, later in the week I will probably write about...

1. The Move
2. Another New Dude
3. Christmas

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

Another dude?!?!?!? Ok...I'll be patient. If you still need boxes let me know. I REALLY need to blog soon. I've just been crazy busy.