Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Two New Dudes

Or Duds, you tell me...

I have two new people to tell you about.

Governator and Stand Alone.

I went out with Governator a couple of weeks ago, then went to his house last weekend. As with all the men from the personals, I told him to meet me at Empire. (The people that work there probably think I am some slutty girl, every time I go in there I'm with a different person. Oh well.) Anyway, so we met at Empire and had coffee and talked...blah, blah, blah the usual. This person has a 25 year plan. His ultimate goal is to be Governor of Texas. He and I were raised in two totally different worlds. I grew up in a very blue-collar area of Houston. All of my friends' dads worked in the refineries or some other labor type position. He grew up in Memorial and went to a private, all boys Catholic High School. I grew up in a two bedroom, 900 sq. ft. house with my mom and sister, he grew up in a five bedroom house with just his parents. He is a member of a country club, I am not. He actually called me and asked if I wanted to meet him at the country club for dinner one night, I had to explain to him that because of the industry I am in I wear blue jeans to work every day. (Not really appropriate for country club dining.) He wants to get married as soon as possible, because with his 25 year plan he wants to run for some state representative something or other soon and according to him, "being married REALLY helps you." He seems to be a very nice guy, but he is already telling me that he wants to take me on a trip to somewhere that some Republican convention is going to be going on. That's just a little fast for me. I did have one thought though...Let's say he and I start dating...and we decide that we "love" each other and he runs for governor. OK, I think I could possibly be a political liability. Not that I, personally, have done anything to jeopardize a campaign but I have dated some REAL LOSERS. I could only imagine who would come out of the woodwork. Honestly, I don't think he and I are a match, but he's nice and fun to be around. We are supposed to be going to lunch tomorrow, we'll see what happens. I think in the long run, he and I will be friends...and when he runs for governor, I can tell people, "I went out with him a couple of times."

I went out with Stand Alone Saturday night. The reason I call him Stand Alone is because...he has a mustache. I'm not a big fan of the stand alone mustache, but Doodlebug and I were talking the other night and she told me to try going out with someone I wouldn't normally go out with. So, I tried it. He is 10 years older than me, he works in a plant, and he's only 5'9. So, I met him at a bar in Bacliff. Again, he was a nice guy, but he started telling me how much chemistry was going on between us. He is one of those guys that sits there and stares longingly into your eyes. (That makes me a little uncomfortable) He kept telling me that I was beautiful and that I was melting him. Here's another little tid-bit of info on Stand Alone...He just got out of a year long relationship a month ago and he already wants to be in another relationship. He told me that he could see us really working out. I finally told him that I had to go and he walked me to my car. We stood outside for about 15 minutes talking a little more and he told several times that he would tell me I was beautiful every day. Oh, I almost forgot, while we were sitting in the bar, after one of the times he told me I was beautiful, he told me that he did not have a problem with my body. I was like, "What?" He basically told me that he liked "bigger girls" and that his ex-wife and his ex-girlfriend both weighed more than him. Ok people, I have come to the realization that I will never be waif thin, I have come to grips with the fact that I will always be a curvy girl...but, I really don't want to hear something like that the first time I go out with someone.

So, there you go, my dating life summed up right there.

Ahhh, the life of a Singleton...aren't all of you that are married or in committed relationships jealous? :)

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

Ok...here are my thoughts. Not that I should be shelling out advice, but here goes...

The Governator-- the coming from different worlds things doesn't concern me as much as his "25 year plan." Granted, I think planning is fantastic, but he is putting the pressure on about needing to get married soon and that's not fair to you. Is there room in his plan for you to do anything you want to do or is it strictly catered to him? I sense someone will be alone for quite some time if he can't learn to plan a life *together* with someone. Could be why "this catch" hasn't been "caught" yet.

Stand Alone-- First off...a stand alone mustache??? Does he moonlight in adult film? Ha! I kid, I kid! Seriously, he seems a bit too "into you" for a first face-to-face encounter. Almost creepy. And most off all, eff him for the size comment! I call "dud" on this one.

Amanda said...

I know, the stand alone kinda freaked me out at first, but I was like...Summer of New things. Believe me, I've learned my lesson. The Governator actually made the comment that should we decide to be a couple, that I would quit my job and work on the campaign. WTF!!!

d.g. said...

Oh, good grief ... what the hell is wrong with these freaks? Planning ahead is great, but TWENTY-FIVE years ahead?!? And any man that makes a comment about my size is damned lucky to walk away with his balls where they should be ... and not shoved up his arse!

The plus side of sifting through all these "duds" is that when you finally DO find "Mr. Right," you will be totally sure that he's the one, as he'll probably descent straight from heaven shrouded in luminous white light! Or at least not look like a left-over 80's porn star. Either one should be a dead giveaway. Hee.

d.g. said...

DESCEND. Ack, typos.

Rice Spice said...

Sorry about all the deletes. I tried to see if I could post a picture on your comments to no avail... Check out my blog instead :)

sublimenigma said...

If you're gonna say anything about a woman's body it damn well be a compliment.
Try..."I really like your curves."

What other new things are you going to be trying?