Sunday, July 29, 2007


So, it's been a week or so since my last post...a lot has happened.

Since Escort and I got back in contact and started hanging out again, I have gotten to know several of his friends. The first couple from his group that I was introduced to, I fell in love with. They had two children, the oldest was her son from a previous relationship and the youngest was their's together. Then a couple of months later, the couple started having some problems and they split up. Since I was closer to the female half of the couple I, naturally, started hanging out more with her. I wasn't close to the male part of the couple, we would hang out every once in a while when he was at Escort's house, but I didn't talk to him on a regular basis. He was one of the funniest guys I had ever met, but I didn't agree with a lot of his decisions or the lifestyle that he led. He reminded me a lot of the guy that I dated right out of high school, so that probably had a lot to do with my attitude toward him. Last Saturday, I got a phone call from Escort telling me that this guy had died. He had just turned 30 in June. He had started dating a girl from Baton Rouge and had moved there to be with her, they came to Houston for the weekend to spend time with his son. He had his son for a couple of hours Friday night, then Saturday the girlfriend woke him up around 8:30am and he asked her to just let him sleep, the girlfriend woke back up around 5pm and tried to wake him up and he was dead. This is the first time that I have known someone who was my age that has died. Friday was the memorial service for him, it was a very nice service. He was not an overly religous person, so there were no prayers or sermons, it was his friends coming to the front of the chapel and speaking about him. It is very difficult to watch men that you know get up and talk about one of their dearest friends and witness them choking back tears. Everyone was laughing and crying at the same time, although I thought there were some thngs were rather inappropriate. This is going to sound petty, but those of you who were raised in the south will understand what I'm talking about. His girlfriend that was with him when he died said some things that I thought could be hurtful to some of the people that were there and she wore white. There were people in blue jeans and flip flops. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think our generation has totally lost their mind. What would make anyone think wearing white, blue jeans or flip flops to a funeral/memorial service would be appropriate??? Afterwards, everyone assemled at Escort's house and there was a party. Everyone was drinking and telling stories, that part of the day seemed like what he would have wanted. I think what hit me the hardest is that his son is 2 years old, so he won't have any memories of his father. Oh, and I didn't mention, the female half of the couple that I am friends with is 5 months pregnant with their second child. (It's a really strange situation.) So, that child will never have contact with it's father. Luckily, my friend has a huge support system and all of their friends will be able to tell their kids stories about their father. So, to all of my friends out there, thank you for being there for me. We really need to get together more often, you never know what life will bring.

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

I, too, am bothered about how people show up to events like funeral, weddings, etc looking like they just rolled out of bed and about to wash their cars. Makes my head hurt.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing people we know always strikes a chord in us to realize how much we neglect friends always being around when they may not always be. I haven't lost a "close" friend, but don't want to even imagine how it would be.

d.g. said...

God, every time I think about the situation, it makes me incredibly sad. Though I didn't know "him" too terribly well either, and he had chosen a not-so-great path in life, he was still a good person ... and his kids, argh, just thinking of them without a dad makes me want to bawl. The poor babies. :(

How is "she" holding up? Poor, poor, D ...

sublimenigma said...

I've registered my shock at choice of clothing to important events and it isn't just our generation. I've seen folks older than our crowd making grossly erroneous decisions.
It's like their parents skipped over an entire section on social etiquette.

Hope you're doing okay.