Wednesday, July 11, 2007

People Watching

For those of you who know me, you know that I LOVE watching people. I thought I would share with you why I enjoy this so much.

People watching is an art form...and I, am an artist!

To people watch, you can't draw too much attention to yourself because then people start watching you. There is nothing better than sitting in a cafe or at a bar or anywhere there is a large gathering of people and just observe the people around you. Often, there is an older man that wants to be much younger so he so he hits on women half his age. There are the women that choose to wear very inappropriate outfits, just so they can hussle a drink from some drunk man. There are the couples that are trying to argue quietly, but in the end they have pretty much let everyone know that one of them is having an affair. There are the girls that are so desperate for attention that they will get drunk and kiss their girlfriends just to get men to look at them. There are the younger people that think they are so misunderstood that they have to dye their hair purple and wear all black when actually what they really want is for their parents to say something, anything to them. There are the people that are so pretentious that they think they need to speak really loud so that complete strangers "know" how important they are. There's the old couple that have been married for 50 years and you can tell they still love one another just by the way they look at each other and hold hands as they walk out of the restaurant. These are the reasons I adore people watching. You can tell so much about a person by the way they dress and their body language.

People fascinate me.

Until next time...

Single Girl


d.g. said...

I see that your title bar is working again, yay!

Rice Spice said...

You nailed each bar stereotype on the head!!! I absolutely HATE those girls who kiss each other for attention. So ridiculous! I guess it's because when they are faced with real lesbians hitting on them, they freak. I had a roommate who was always trying to kiss me in straight clubs for attention, and when we'd go to Chance's and she'd get hit on, she'd get all weirded out and want to leave. Such a poser! HA!