Friday, May 1, 2009

The Month from Hell - circa 1991

If you read my last post, you know that April has not been one of the best months for me. When I start thinking that life is out to get me, all I have to do is think about all that happened to my mother in June of 1991.

1. The washing machine stopped working.
2. The dryer stopped working.
3. There was a torrential down pour on her way home from work one day.
a. She drove her car in high water and it stalled out...ON MONROE!
b. She left her car in a parking lot...ON MONROE!
c. When she went to pick her car up, all the windows had been shot out.
d. The insurance company told her that she would have to file two separate claims.
e. She had to pay two separate deductables.
4. The frydaddy exploded.
5. The air conditioner stopped working.

Yes, all of this happened in one month.

So, next time you feel as though life is kicking your ass...just think of Carol. That's what I do.

Until next time...



Karen M. Peterson said...

Oh my goodness. Your poor mom! I don't know where Monroe is, but it sounds pretty dodgy.

d.g. said...

The Frydaddy EXPLODED?!? Oh my hell, that is both the funniest AND scariest thing I've ever heard ... I mean, an appliance actually BLOWING UP is pretty damn funny, but hot grease + skin is NOT funny at all. I assume she was ok, because I've never heard mention of scars or anything. Ack!

It's always good to try to remember, when times are tough, that they could always be much, much worse ... of course, it always FEELS as if it couldn't, but it can, oh YES, it certainly can.

I hope things improve dramatically for you starting ... right ... NOW.

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I bet I broke a ceiling fan that month, too. I did that every month, so I probably did.