Friday, May 8, 2009

Velcro Head

One of the first things that drew me to Rogen at the pound was his curly fur. It reminded me of my hair, before I found the awesomeness that is the Chi flatiron. If you have naturally curly hair, you know that it acts like the scratchy side of Velcro. EVERYTHING GET STUCK IN IT! I have had paper stuck in my hair, I've walked past a nail sticking out of the wall and my hair got stuck on it, and hands have gotten tangled in it. Once, when I was a freshman in high school, a hot stick got lost in it.

While I was playing FarmTown last night (I am totally addicted to this game. If you are on facebook, start playing it and request me to be your neighbor!) and I looked up and noticed Rogen laying on the end of the couch and he had something in his hair. I stood up and noticed a pile of torn up paper towel on the floor. When I walked over to it, I looked at him and he looked at me. If he was able to talk I think he would have said, "What, I didn't do that." But I know he did. I called him over to look at the mess...

Those yellow flip flops are what I wear when I walk Rogen. I know they look disgusting, but go look at your flip flops...I bet they don't look much better. Oh, and that bag is full of clothes that need to be dropped off at the Goodwill.
He was totally oblivious to the fact that he had evidence stuck on his head.
Until next time...